Wiyon-wofle trusted as God's eternal by Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. In the book of the old covenant and new covenant Christian gospel, eternal God revealed in time without end, when paralleled with wiyon-wofle which also has a common nature of eternity. Wiyon-evangelical wofle and God is the God who ever lived; He was always there and always will be; waktupun there is no trace where He is not God. In the concept of modern theology, understand this eternity with a universal understanding that; duration of time the Lord was not only without end, but not length of time. Like wiyon-theological conception is regarded by wofle Raa Na wiyon-wofle by defining the ownership of immortality as a wiyon Esa-wofle (God) and God's evangelical tampa final total and simultaneous; and therefore, time is eternity God for Raa wiyon -Na wofle generally understood as no time (YRON - KEKAL).

In wiyon-wofle theology, can be imagined that the Lord according wiyon-Na Ra wofle is God who expresses a linguistic rule for knowing when. Maybe they think about a cosmic timekeeper with no clock rang. And a voice from the clouds and the nature of said "based on the word of God". Even that seems a fantasy thoughts expressed in wiyon-Na Ra wofle about the idea that a form of their traditional God is conceived as wiyon-wofle, has a form that does not change and wiyon-controlled wofle time. Wiyon-Teoggia traditional wogle could basically compare the creator of time at the beginning of the world and the cosmic forces that are not able to prepare their own knowledge of the time; missalnya watchmaker workers and voice recording sound at that - according to the true -- sometimes will not tell the correct time at any time. While if we menyifati God besides the sense of faith, that the cosmic jamm was sounded at a particular time, we just generate the ideas are fantastic humanitarian return of all the difficulties of our human consciousness that has not changed from one of the world we observe.

If the form of faith that has not changed and can not find time to complete, based faith, then we also can not know what is expressed by propositions berwaktu of the ruler. Knowing that "Christ would be born" is the truth of Christian faith to believe all the years BC, and that "Christ was born" is the truth of Christian faith to believe all the years AD. That's when paralleled with the natural faith-Na Ra wiyon expressing wofle believe that faith is the key person to see and understand everything including time. According to them, that they had pulled a tempo of their traditional kemimanan where that would not be possible for someone wiyon-Na Ra wofle to be able to know what is right proposition at the moment, until she knew her time. If he does not have faith, or confidence, he will not be able to demonstrate an exception that could perfectly compared to God, because of an exception that has been attached to wiyon-trusted wofle more powerful and able to appoint an exception which is believed more powerful and capable of pointing an exception is considered coherent power, because according to the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, that the God they (wiyon-wofle) power and know everything there is usually known by man and that is not known to ordinary people. According wiyon-Na Ra wofle, every person who believes against wiyon-wofle, should be exploited in the perfection and solitude with wofle in wiyon-k'wiyon-bol wofle, with the techniques of self-control and holy lives so that they too must always rely faith is awakened in k'wiyon-bol wofle with immortality clung to their Lord (wiyon-wofle). Back to say that can not find a contradiction between faith belief believe people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, to wiyon-wofle and Christian faith believe in God evangelical. Despite the belief of the Christian faith, that someone to be able to understand about God, he must have a belief with faith earnestly to God. We can conclude that in the presence of a faith relationship between Christian theology and theology of wiyon-wofle have similarities, although in certain views they have a separation or distinction.

Furthermore, traditional theologians wiyon-wofle explain their understanding of the relationship of trust a man wiyon-Na Ra wofle with wiyon-wofle (God) that; "a certainty of faith to believe someone does not equal significance is the imposition, but by way of solitude, educated , with the concentration method and heard directly as a foundation that fosters the faith ". What they mean is the certainty of faith believe in the eternity of God. This means a person who does not have a divine spirit will not be committing crimes against the will of God, but man should elakukan it spontaneously as a form of faith-filled response holy desire. On the other hand, when the Lord grant all the desires of human beings, desire and action is never based on coercion, because the Lord did everything according to the time and the schedule he had set himself without we know, unlike humans who want to do all the various requests the same kind of hoping to God he grants them all together. God's desire and actions never under coercion and human desires, but always turns to his own desires and inclinations.

If the analogy of human free will just like a ride binatan always have to move toward the direction desired by the rider. If God is driving it, he will want and go wherever the Lord wants; vice versa, if the devil is driving it, he will want and go wherever he wanted direction. Very clear in the assertion of this sentence, that the direction of movement and the human will depend on who is driving and ordered it, but human free will can not be free to vote as they pleased rider.

Eyes wiyon-Na Ra wofle, said that both men "pious" and humans "wrong" are both behave according to what they want, but equally keduanyapun not have the ability to change their wishes. Human will is not free, it means he does not simply shift itself from a bad desire to be good. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle mean to say that a man is he just undergone a change passively as what is prescribed by God (wiyon-wofle).

Thus the concept when paralleled with the concept of Christian theology in the Bible that; God already knew beforehand that Judas would be a betrayal, it becomes so Judas was a betrayal, and no one even Judas himself did not have the power to change or will change from what which have been known by God before. It could be argued that the knowledge of God is never wrong and very precise, because what he knows, he promised, he ancamkan it will happen.

What theologians teach wiyon-wofle, (Raa Na wiyon-wofle), none other than the assertion that no one wiyon-Na Ra wofle and Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and all humans have free will, even there is nothing although humans have it. Thus in Christian theology says that everything we do, that is good and bad, we never did completely by ourselves, but God who did everything that related to the best, and the devil who will do all that related to crime. As the "night" and the human equivalent of (sebatan wax) that can not do anything when formed into a candle by human power. So that the man was free in all things, and within his power to follow his will, but he is not free in terms of wills.

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