
Hamah Sagrim

A. Strategies and methods in k'wiyon coaching baseball wofle.

Habit activity wiyon-wofle theology, there are several strategies and methods used in coaching students in wiyon TNA camp "k'wiyon-bol wofle". This activity we call "theological education wiyon-wofle".

Activity-wiyon theology is more revealing wofle-chronological chronologically related to the rules in expressing their kerelegiusan. This looks at the strategies and methods applied in the development of the disciples (wiyon TNA).

Strategies and methods conducted by wiyon-Na Ra wofle in educating students in the camp wiyon TNA k'wiyon-bol wofle is:

1. Student Assessment and Hunting

Strategies and objectives rather than this method is to get students really have a good personality trait such as gentle, generous, patient, and loving.

2. Arrest Student

Secretly wiyon-Na Ra wofle visit a child who has been judged worthy to be taken as a student who deserves to be educated as wiyon TNA and will be wiyon-Na Ra wofle, and they tell these kids fishing destination is usually the father atu mother, or relatives who at the time of arrest and exile have seen arrested. The process of catching the child is then brought into the camp k'wiyon-bol wofle with dihitami the child's face with charcoal, which is a symbol of worldliness, of mortality. In this session, the child has not officially said to be TNA wiyon students.

3. Washing

Once the child or the nasih classified as mortal man, was arrested, and polluted, then he was brought into camp k'wiyon-bol wofle, first child is brought into the washing room to be washed with waif he was given a drink and eat bofit. After drinking and eating waif new bofit official said the child as wiyon TNA - students.

4. Teaching

When the child is washed and officially referred to as a student wiyon TNA, he would be brought into the sacred space, or the study (Ra sme credit) to be educated (Ra mber).

Instead of the educational process is not an easy process, but a process that was so intense activity, sacral, closed, full of challenges and takes a relatively long time between 9 months, for students who put up as an Apostolic (Raa Na wiyon-wofle ), and 12 months, the students prepared as Priest (bam-Na Raa tmah).

The rules in this process is said that every activity in the baseball camp k'wiyon determined entirely by wofle bam-Na Raa tmah (Imam) and executed by wiyon-Na Ra wofle (Messenger) to Wiyon TNA (Student). How to eat k'wiyon applied in wofle baseball is twice a day, ie on jam.03.00.WIT (subu) and 19.00.WIT hours. night. Type of food prepared and that's only allowed to have food of taro wiyon that TNA is not very old age (not yet reached the age of harvest) and the drink is sugar cane Pucuk that feels fresh. Each wiyon TNA or students are not allowed to get out of the tent-bol k'wiyon especially wofle contact with the outside environment, it is a great calamity to him, and when a student or someone wiyon TNA felt pee, then he should be held or supported by wiyon-Na Ra wofle to be taken to a place that had been prepared for waste water, do so because it is a dogma and rules that bind in the camp k'wiyon-bol wofle. Because if a TNA wiyon associated with areas outside without guided by wiyon-Na Ra wofle then he is considered to have gross or mortal (ykeir-ytah Koon).

All this running process is a method and strategy used in secret. It is important that k'wiyon baseball camp is wofle temple sacred nature to unite wiyon-Na Ra wofle, bam-Na Raa tmah, Wiyon-Wofle with the disciples - wiyon TNA. Therefore, all wiyon-Na Ra wofle, bam-Na Raa tmah, and wiyon TNA, subject to the rules and live each k'wiyon baseball camp once wofle have responsibilities to live in accordance with the call.

B. General Explanation About Unity wiyon-Na Raa wofle.

We already know that, the traditional theologians wiyon-wofle, Ra-Na wiyon required wofle off their way of life that long with all the destructive and hawanafsu mortal. They should start a new life suaut on the basis of purification in the camp k'wiyon-bol wofle. In other words, wiyon-Na Ra wofle should use the way of life, a new human thinking based on love and carry out the truth.

Moreover, for Ra-Na wiyon advised wofle (m'watum Ra) to love, help and tell the truth. Therefore wiyon-Na Ra wofle usually do not give an opportunity to kabes (devil) to control their lives. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle in k'wiyon baseball camp wofle had advised them to beware of the mistakes of the past, because they conflict with watum (advice) and bosnyuk (divinity, purity) received in the camp (k'wiyon-bol wofle).

When the disciples to drink the cup wiyon TNA (waef) and ate ginger (bofit), meaning they have tied wiyon-wofle "GOD", they should not grieve the Har (holy spirit) that connects them with wiyon-wofle. Because the price has memateraikan them as a wiyon belongs TNA wiyon-wofle. Next TNA wiyon students are also taught to live in love tenderly (matmof anya) and forgive each other (mhasu anya).

The TNA wiyon students are required to live according to the call in wofle and wiyon-called list of virtues which they must perform, which has characteristics of humility, gentleness (mhaf Sneh), patience (mhaf ase) love to love (and matmof anya muum) . TNA wiyon disciples also advised to truly maintain the "unity of the spirit - har" by the bond of peace Sejahtra as a saint.

Basics k'wiyon fellowship in baseball wofle explained that wiyon-Na Ra wofle live in one body (metsu sou), one spirit (har sou), one hope (bogias sou), one Lord (wiyon sou), one faith (bonout sou), one baptism (waef mosou eye), in all. Apparently this picture was so mirib with the Stoics, also quoted by the Apostle Paul. Read the book (Ephesians 4:4-6). Kaun Stoic understanding adopted by the Greek-speaking Christians, especially by the Apostle Paul himself. Paul believed that God "is in anything". Wiyon-Na Ra wofle also believe that wiyon-wofle as their God, He is also "in apasaja". The Apostle Paul and wiyon-Na Ra wofle both agree that God and Wiyon-Wofle in whatever means we can also katakana that "the God worshiped by Christians can be called wiyon-wiyon-wofle and worshiped by wofle Raa wiyon -Na wofle called God and Christ ". Actually the core than the name of God is not a thing that blocks HER the highest reality is called GOD, but the question here is a person than God himself to be known. The essence of a different sentence than those based on culture and language as different, because some reasons, every ethnic group in the world has to know God is good to use, culture and language of their own, without leave, so God reveals himself to every ethnic groups used the method, language, culture, and patterns that can be understood by each tribe each easily so they can know him well. For example God revealed himself to Jews by calling him YHWH, in the Semitic languages (Aramaic), disuku Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua, God calls himself wofle with wiyon-Maybrat language, Imian, Sawiat, and to other ethnic groups that have religious tribes on earth God has revealed himself to them by using their language of each.

We can conclude that God still is God in a different greeting to him as he says himself in the Bible "I AM WHO I AM" (read the Book of Exodus) He is a complete person, He is eternal. God was different only in name name of each tribe with their language of each who knew him, olehkarena that, if we are not careful to know God fully, we will either memproposisikan God as another person.

Olehkarena it, I bependapat that:

Religion may and may look different, but God is the one person. "Christianity might be called God in the Indonesian language, God in English, YHWH in Hebrew, while calling Afatar Buddhism, and every religion tribes call it by another name in their language of each, as people Maybrat, Imian, which Sawiat call wiyon-wofle, although the difference was there, but remember that He is God the one in those differences, and those differences come from him and started with him ".

God is the one person, He is everywhere, even though the world is full of diverse ethnic and language, and culture and even religion, but God but understood and known by ethnicity, language, and culture as the ultimate reality of God. In the excerpt above, we will use the phrase "GOD IS HE THE ONE IN ALL THE DIFFERENCE IS" AND ALL THAT WAS THE DIFFERENCE IN EVERYTHING THAT SHE AND HER starts from ". To explain all this, as in (the book of Colossians 1:17, John 8:58; 6:35; 8:23; 1: 3; Isaiah 1:6; 1 John 2:29)

"He is before all things and all things in Him".

When we look back at the histories of religious fundamentalists of the world, then every religion comes when there is a result of God revealed himself to mankind. When God revealed himself to Moses, He uses the Hebrew language is a language understandable by Moses, while in Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, He revealed Himself to Mbouk, using language Maybrat, Imian, Palm. As a result of the revelation of God to Moses that YHWH declares himself, the Christian religion stands first with a book of revelation is the eldest Talmud, while the people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, a result of the revelation of God who revealed himself as wiyon-wofle, the religious stand wiyon-wofle, using the revelation without the text (the book). As a result of the revelation of God to the Prophet Muhammad, the Muslim religious stand, using the oldest book of the Koran that outlined by the Qurazi. And the result of God revealed himself to Afatar, stand with the book Buddhism Wedha. And there are many religions out there who stood on the basis of revelation from God, and no single religion in the world who stood without the revelation of God.

Every religion states that their God has each of the divine attributes such as: God does not require the time, God is eternal, God is not unlimited, God never changes, God is omniscient, God of wisdom, God's infinite power, God Most High, God is all-present, all-faithful God, God who is good, God is all-just, all-loving God, God's infinite grace, God's most holy, God is mighty good fortune.

God's qualities are shared by all world religions, religions both reformers and even tribal religion. The nature of God in every religion so that all worship to God on that one. From this description, I katakana that "not true if we limit God by saying that the true God is worshiped by Alla this religion or that religion, or the God worshiped by this tribe or that tribe, because it is a partiality of the dogma of a particular religion ".

1. One reason why this is so, because God can not be limited by time and space, and purpose of God came not to a particular religion, but He was dating for Men. If we limit God like that, then we have lowered the power of God, because God can not be limited by time and space, or God never said that he owned only one tribe, but the whole world comes from Him. Is a major mistake that led to sin if we limit God in a certain space of time and without knowing that God's power and he did not like it, and this is an insult to God, because we limit it to time and space ".

C. TNA wiyon on call to surrender

Wiyon TNA or a student who was brought into camp for the students Raa mber, he was required to follow all of the teaching, and in order that they become wiyon Ra-na wofle (wiyon-wofle followers), they are required to follow all the teachings and dogma in the camp with all my heart, they should really be taught to understand the character than wiyon-wofle. In wiyon-wofle theology, it is not enough if someone is referred to as Ra-Na wiyon feel wofle only enough to just hear about wiyon-wofle name (God) without the students are strictly within the tight phases. Wofle for Wiyon-wiyon-Na Ra wofle, he was not merely a person who came as a prophet who lived for years among people who casually treat him as a friend, as well as conducted on most wiyon-Na Ra wofle or prophet.

People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, said that Wiyon-wofle is from the one person, he is from everlasting to everlasting, he is from everlasting to everlasting, without beginning and without end. He is wiyon-wofle (God) is all-knowing, the all-wise, the all-powerful. For wiyon-Na Ra wofle, in the belief they would wiyon-wofle (God) they may know the source of ultimate reality. Unique quality, which was completely foreign to them as humans, is its not really self-absorbed. In wiyon-wofle, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and wiyon-Na Ra wofle see the essence of the spirit to sacrifice themselves. Ra-Na wiyon significantly wofle view, although not too clear, what is meant by the sharing of self, self sacrifice, and remove themselves to achieve the holy spirit through self-surrender in education in k'wiyon-bol wofle.

A fully self-sacrifice and noble is the typical dynamics of changing the system of students from mortality into holiness. This is the main energy of its existence, this is all-powerful influence of personal wiyon-wofle (God) is against the entire crime, sin and adultery.

Furthermore, in turn, when the disciples or TNA wiyon called to enter into communion with wiyon-wofle, they are expected to be the people who have such abilities. Wiyon-wofle desire primarily to wiyon-Na Ra wofle or followers can show the same character qualities as shown by him through the Imam (Raa tmah bam-Na) and the Messenger (wiyon-Na Ra wofle) that taught them. If a student TNA wiyon people call themselves wiyon-wofle ( "just like wiyon-wofle"), then they are obliged to be similar to wiyon-wofle, not just in the literal behavior, but also in their inner nature as well.

Wiyon-wofle many states glory, he wants to distribute to his followers. He wants to wiyon Raa-Raa Na wofle and bam-Na tmah must declare to the disciples about wiyon TNA glory. This character is none other than wiyon-wofle (God). Nature which is considered perfect by wiyon-Na Ra wofle is the infinite glory high. This is a quality of life and a unique behavior, which separates him far above the holy throne.

So when wiyon-Na Ra wofle bring a wiyon students to come to TNA wiyon-wofle and follow him, he really consider them to enter the life of an entirely new. The old ways no longer adequate, the old attitudes have changed. The nature of students who are still mortal must be changed entirely. Perhaps language is more clear and firm that indirectly, wiyon-wofle (God) says that to stay with him, and live in harmony with him, have direction and purpose with him, wiyon-Na Ra wofle required to take off all his ways mortal (deny it all in total). It sounds so simple, but this is the most difficult in the modern world is materialistic. This is a severe risk that is always noticed by wiyon-Na Ra wofle.

According wiyon-wofle theology, for those who are allied with wiyon-wofle (God) is usually called wiyon-Na Ra wofle, it is clear that they must not conflict with him. There will be no harmony when the properties are wiyon-wofle not accept the nature of mortal wiyon-Na Ra wofle temporal and insular. Transience properties of wiyon-Na Ra wofle should be eliminated completely. The nature of mortality must be sacrificed to the will of wiyon-wofle the sacred and noble. The nature of mortality than wiyon-Na Ra wofle, ordered to the left to obtain an expression of faith which means wise.

Selfishness in human beings, for wiyon-wofle he ordered it to wiyon-Na Ra wofle to leave, in order to obtain a new way of expression that transformed them. Mortality traits that are often cited to shed such as to highlight the nature of self, properties like self praise is excessive, the nature of self interests, qualities like self-pity, self-indulgent nature, the nature of self-fulfilling nature, nature like punishing myself. The terms high terdenganr was smooth and highly valued by humans, will be translated in terms of a somewhat surprising when dealing with the demands wiyon-wofle. These qualities are referred to as "acts of meat - mortal", which is adultery, fornication, hatred, curses, anger, strife, sedition, envy, jealousy and others, is a justification for lack wiyon-wofle.

Maybe just for the common man that they objected to such demands. They stressed that they were only "doing what is natural" when living it like that. That is true - but for wiyon-wofle, it is the depravity of the human character while Ra iin - mortal. sounds alien to humans, which sometimes insisting that they were born with the condition of their existence. This is also true! People are born in the mortality and the whole personality is formed in injustice. They claim that they can not help themselves. They can not! That is why they have to seek help. Man must yield to the highest reality. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle required in order to trust completely to wiyon full-wofle to change, because wiyon-wofle will make a change to them if they are willing to do all that he commanded.

Herein lies the difficulty. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle must really want to be different, they are longing to be reborn in the likeness wiyon-wofle, they always earnestly wish that the release of their old characters mortality was so dirty that is considered to be pure as transformed wiyon-wofle (God) they are.

For ordinary people, these are questions that are investigating the human soul. Those questions through the boundaries of human knowledge to the nature of causality is not possible to know even normalpun insufficient reason and also the questions that require the changes radical and drastic in people and demanded that human nature was re-established.

Teologia wiyon-wofle stated that a price to be paid to achieve wiyon-Na Raa true wofle is removed kefanaannya done every day. The cost is they must submit their will entirely and refer to the will of wiyon-wofle (God). The process is the annihilation of the mortal man becomes a new man "wiyon Ra-na wofle" which seems so complicated in the process and quite tense from lack of complicated to get free of their self in order to follow the wiyon-wofle transformed the tent k'wiyon-bol wofle.

At the beginning of wiyon-wofle calls his people to shed their own mortality in order to follow him, is the price for ordinary people is not possible to get paid. This may be related to the need for full self-denial. But the decision has been carefully carried out by Ra-Na wiyon which wofle taken because they have seen clearly that they are slaves of lust from the self. Maybe the whole man was literally a truly a servant of the nature of mortality, and this is really a source of much of grief, stress, and pain in the chains of evil, namely human nature selfish! Humans actually enclosed by selfishness, arrogance, and self esteem so refer to the mortality.

Wiyon-wofle have confronted him to wiyon-Raa wofle in k'wiyon-bol wofle by transforming holiness to free wiyon-Na Ra wofle from the shackles of self. He was freed wiyon-Na Ra are imprisoned by wofle mortality so that they can follow him to deny himself with joy. Wofle decided Wiyon-binding rope mortality wiyon-Na Ra wofle on themselves and it allows wiyon-Na Ra wofle to follow the path to holiness with him.

The other side of the challenges that confronted the wiyon-Na Ra wofle favorite is to find a beautiful and abundant with melakkukan what they're told by wiyon-wofle. Gradual spiritual awareness-Na Raa wiyon blunt wofle will receive information so they know that none of the demands wiyon-wofle lowered their aim or bring them into despair. On the contrary! Each command is designed for the good wiyon-Na Ra wofle. All were given to enrich the lives wiyon-Na Ra wofle, the experience wiyon-Na Ra wofle, broaden wiyon-Na Ra wofle, and improve the welfare wiyon-Na Ra wofle. All were given so wiyon-Na Ra wofle can get the best life. Consequently, it is a call that brings honor and noble to meuruti will. Wiyon-wofle be the only source of inspiration for wiyon-Na Ra wofle, especially for people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as a whole.

When this realization illuminates the soul - the soul wiyon-Na Raa wofle, it also did away with their spiritual blindness so they could see the noble intentions wiyon-wofle for them. What the long view wiyon-Na Ra wofle price of self-sacrifice is very expensive, can now be understood as an honor conferred upon istiewa Raa Na wiyon-wiyon-wofle by wofle, who invited them to enter into an exclusive alliance. We see clearly that wiyon-wofle challenged his followers to obtain a noble life as his own, where he meanggil they became friends, and even more than that.

From the wiyon-wofle own, he is always ready to enter the life-Na Ra wiyon has wofle open to him. He is ready to share the glory of the soul wiyon-Na Raa wofle have received. He would gladly live in self-wiyon Raa Na wofle in humility that they have been willing to open wide his will and disposition to accept his presence.

Wiyon-wofle asked deliberately and with a very consistent so wiyon-Na Ra wofle them into surrendering control. While this is done every day in the concentration of self-annihilation, wiyon-wofle alone will give them the power to carry out his orders and to obey his will. Willingness wiyon-Na Ra wofle completely against the will of wiyon-wofle possible because of their belief that real to a great character. He will not beguile or deceive wiyon-Na Ra wofle. He can be trusted fully by wiyon-Na Ra wofle so that everything will go well.

Sedrhana faith to perfect loyalty that will open up a broad experience for wiyon-Na Ra wofle with purity with wiyon-wofle. Wiyon-Na Ra wifle found that while they deliberately submit fully to the grand plan than wiyon-wofle, they will engage with him in the ministry and the project is the belief that joy is felt far more beautiful than what wiyon-Na Ra own wofle can expect . He took life-Na Ra wiyon weak wofle this and use them for a great purpose.

Self-sacrifice made by wiyon-Na Ra wofle, no longer feels heavy and expensive in their calculations. Now wiyon-Na Ra wofle see it as their response makes the most sense to offer the love and attention wiyon-wofle (God) to them. Wiyon-Na Ra started wofle love as wiyon-wofle love, because he demanded it be a priority. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle began to understand the eternal truth that the main purpose of man is not self serving, but in respect of life and become the cornerstone of others. We begin to see the secret of life here on the key to life satisfaction and the dynamics for which there is abundant life in wiyon-Na Ra is a charges wofle and noble responsibility.

Day after day, while wiyon-Na Ra wofle with their own wills, they are directed with an option to align their lives with the will wiyon-wofle, to unite themselves with their aspirations, to grow in communion with him, and to love the presence within them. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle will find another big secret; simultaneously, wiyon-wofle also worked in wiyon-Na Ra wofle, he fit them with the perfect character. An interesting change to learn, because it occurs in their spirit, their souls, and their bodies. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle reinvented, re-shaped into the people who are not mortal, unselfish, kind, generous, and high-minded. They become different, different, not similar to the world, and apart from the mortality of their surroundings that only selfishness.

This difference is not located on trust or faith in a series of special or specific rules. The difference lies in people's lives dinamikan good faith for Christians, wiyon-Na Ra wofle, and Biddhist. Now the ultimate reality itself that determines the behavior of his people. For wiyon-Na Ra wofle, they do not belong to them Sendir; they belong wiyon-wofle. Their behavior, their speech, their characters are living proof that dukuasai fully in them. It's a great honor! It is indeed a high calling and glorious.

D. Character traits and a student when he coached wiyon TNA as wiyon-Na Ra wofle.

Once a student educated TNA wiyon closed for 9 months and 12 months, it becomes ripe and ready to execute the decree had received from the tent-bol k'wiyon according wofle readiness, then he's been tested (there wiyon) as the end of their graduation.

a. And character traits of a student when the tempah as wiyon-Na Ra wofle are:

1. Authoritative

2. Serving

3. Love

4. Help

5. Courage to take decisions in an ethical

6. Patience

7. Live in chastity

8. Sacrifice for others

9. Way of life different from ordinary human

10. Ber Ethics

11. Stands as a leader

12. Clever or Smart

b. Abilities possessed by wiyon-Na Ra wofle when graduating in education in the camp k'wiyon-bol wofle:

2. The ability to heal the sick

3. The ability to stop the rain (tomo igit)

4. Ability scold wave (mbis figim mgnar)

5. Ability ordered water to be dry and flood (tomo mos)

6. The ability of water ordered to kill people (Hooh)

7. The ability to stop the wind (tomo fos)

8. The ability to be ordered violent winds (mbis of)

9. The ability to return the lives of people dead or raise the dead (mawian boheya)

10. Ability cast out devils, witch, Santet (kabes Fane)

11. The ability to call wild animals, such as fish, birds, and so forth (bereh fre)

12. The ability to know every individual person, (mhar netsu)

13. Have the ability to know the future (bonout myio).

14. More intelligent (magit similarity).

E. Formation wiyon-Na Ra wofle become a Jemat

Jemat wiyon-wofle or wiyon-Na Ra wofle, was formally constituted at the time of revelation wofle to wiyon-Mbouk. At that time, Mbouk regarded as a prophet, but he will perform the task as bam-Na Ra tmah (priest) because he did command directly from wiyon-wofle and the Apostles - is wiyon-Na Ra wofle which had the task to deliver news about wiyon-wofle "to wiyon-wofle", the tribes Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and and the whole world. Result, the church wofle or wiyon-wiyon-Na Ra wofle established and built on the corner of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat.

Through the above description, it is clear that the church was not founded on the initiative as a human MBOUK also seen as Wiyon-Wofle Prophet himself, but the church exists because God created the so-called wiyon-wofle by Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as their God . Wiyon-wofle is the divine which is the basis and the head of the church wiyon-Na Ra wofle, so each congregation called the Church wiyon-wofle - God or wiyon-Na Ra wofle purified by waif as saucers. Maybrat region, Imian, Sawiat, there is only one-eklesia wiyoh but wofle just have some streams such as; wiyon-wofle U, wiyon-wofle TOHMI, wiyon-wofle SOHORO, wiyon-wofle BRAT. Dikatakan demikian karena jemaat atau Raa wiyon-Na wofle bersumber dari wiyon-wofle dan kita dapat mengatakan bahwa Raa wiyon-Na wofle jemaat itu adalah tubuh wiyon-wofle. Ungkapan tubuh “wiyon-wofle” hendak ditegas bahwa wiyon-wofle sendiri adalah kepalanya. Dengan katalain, jemaat wiyon-wofle – Raa wiyon-Na wofle tetap ditempatkan dibawah wiyon-wofle sebagai kepalanya. Karena itu, jemaat-jemaat wiyon-wofle yang berada diwilayah Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, yang banyak itu diikat menjadi satu dalam pelayanan “mber wiyon”.

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