
Hamah Sagrim

In Maybrat theism, Imian, Sawiat Papua wiyon natural theology-wofle they teach about love. So as expressed that, do not hurt sesame, but we senangtiasa giving, helping and serving those who need help. As translated from the original language Maybrat:

Natmof Ra, ro Boum Mase, Mase riof ro nno nyio

Awiya Ra Nsya sei, nhasu ana, nayi awe ntos gu,

Nhaha ati ana mam bo ro mfe

Boum Reto msya riof John nyio namos myi MnO nhou TNA sawro ro mhame.

For theism Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, Papua, on their scientific religion, implicit messages that emphasize pure about love, giving and serving, because according to their religious teachings, to gain eternal life heaven dikeranaan (sawro), one way is love.

Wiyon-wofle God is the Lord who has the eternal love. Although the religious God-wofle not wiyon areas include a broad and includes the parts of the world, but for Maybrat tribes, Imian, Sawiat, wiyon-wofle was God who first gave a doctrine of eternal truths that are idealized in their lives. Unable to disangkali that in the traditional faith of tribes Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, their belief in the traditional teaching of their Lord (wiyon-wofle) is really something that sentries and logical. Perhaps the fundamental reasons why Maybrat tribes, Imian, Sawiat, greatly appreciate the teachings of their natural theology is that the life of their first, single-satunnya God they worship is the wiyon-wofle the pious as the one God, a jealous God, God is love, God is forgiving, God who has kekatan eternal, not merely an expression of ownership of the powers of the things above, but wiyon-wofle been able to do everything on his power and his actions is a miracle subdue all those qualities Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Thus the coherence of the view properties wiyon-wofle (God) scientific Maybrat tribes, Imian, Sawiat, shows a trait that is not simple. The existence of an eternal entity in traditional tribal religious Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, which is interesting in the sub-sub rule kereligiusannya.

In parts of the rule of law and theology wiyon-wofle religiousness that has eternal meaning in the Faith Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, Wiyon-wofle believed to have power in the law and the rules he had firmankan.

Statements about things you love may be a basis of faith Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in their belief wiyon-keeksistensian God wofle. This is a solid foundation that underlies those beliefs Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the wiyon-scientific wofle as God in accordance with the faith to believe them.

The expression presented in the belief people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the above phrases are appropriate to the faith and the rules of the Christian religion. Such a conclusion based on wiyon-wofle theology, as a form that is called God. The concept of God which is used by traditional theologians tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, wiyon-Na Ra wofle, not a ratio, but clearly coherent. If that is the nature wiyon-wofle so, then he is the eternal God. If God wiyon-wofle have the knowledge and power eternal, then he is the eternal God. Because he is a God who may be justified and have a supernatural power of divinity. In the words wiyon-Na Ra wofle that, wiyon-wofle have a knowledge of tidakmungkin of human action is happening and what will come. Thus a wiyon-determinism of wofle is true. Wiyon-wofle not detach himself from the wickedness of man, and wiyon-wofle hate the sin or acts of adultery (iro) every human being.

As people of faith believe Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, which revealed that, for every human being who made a mistake or a sin and adultery (iro), they are required to admit to God (wiyon-wofle), in a ceremony called confession wlah death - Tgif iro, which they had committed a sin and adultery, so that every sinner confessed his sins and want to be forgiven by God (wiyon-wofle). An excerpt from the expression of the revelation of how someone did pangakuan sin (death wlah) is:

Awiya ro iro yno, yber Sappho, Yame Ra, Ra Saro, yse bofit kraa, wer bo ysif, retait yaut ait git wlah TaƱe mboh TNA, TNA wait ygias Sappho yber weto ro bam ka-na Ra tmah, beta msya ro Ra siret Afo iro mhasu wait to Ra yhou TNA riof ait.

"It can translate that," he who committed the sin, many commit adultery, kill someone with a sword, killing people with poison, that person should make his confession in the confessional perbagian ceremony as a religious cult wiyon-wofle held by theologians wiyon -wofle (bam-Na Raa tmah "priests" and wiyon-Na Ra wofle "Apostle"). "

The rules of religious life Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as written in the language as a native language Maybrat there a emphasize that the existence of restrictions on the deed of sin, and every man who committed the sin and adultery was obliged to admit the infraction seriously about each violation both the visible and hidden. An openness and sincerity that has been done by the sinner in confession ceremony held by the Ra-bam tmah and Raa Na-Na wiyon openly wofle in a religious ceremony and wiyon-wofle followed by Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, which are area around the implementation.

People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in the belief they have been taught and formed in a rule and dogma wiyon-wofle theology can be said that the upbringing of revival. In the charges values wiyon-wofle theology, it can be concluded that the tribes Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, already has a complexity in faith believing and repentance in their religion. In the belief Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, about the properties owned by wiyon-wofle, which contains an obvious contradiction between sin and righteousness, if wiyon-wofle well understood, then we can clearly receive a coherent formula .

Thus a coherent statement about the wiyon-wofle understood through his doctrines, mungkinsaja adequate to serve as the foundation of the Faith Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the properties that wiyon-wofle. So the truth of the faith arguments Maybrat trust people, Imian, Sawiat, completely logical.

The study we've done is very universal. There are many traditional characteristics as attached to wiyon-wofle (God) raised utntuk examined in detail. If these properties as well as with the nature given to God in the Christian faith, then certainly it is enough to show that there is nothing that has exceeded the totality of eternity divine nature of evangelical and divine qualities of scientific Maybrat tribes, Imian , Sawiat (wiyon-wofle). Other properties such as the creator of heaven and earth, would be considered more essential to the idea of God in theology wiyon-wofle, but here we do not examine it. May be said that wiyon-wofle no different than the gospel of God in the Bible from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as described in the book of evangelical Christians.

Clearly that no arguments are developed in these works that aims to eliminate the existence of God and replace them with properties that are not included in the actual picture of the nature of God. In this paper, the existence of a phrase arguments and views drawn from the nature of God and the God of evangelical Maybrat scientific interest, Imian, Sawiat (wiyon-wofle) about their keeksistensian. You could say that it wiyon-wofle to think about, because it can not find a fault in the arguments surrounding eksistensiannya. None of the arguments, which we want to offer an explanation about the lack of contradiction and the nature of God evangelical wiyon-wofle as understood by the tribe Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat.

Such a manifestation of God's attributes are trusted and difficult to release. We will ask whether wiyon-wofle (God) who believed people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, should be preserved? If so, just as we asked, what is characteristic of a trait of God wiyon-wofle that make sense? An idea is said makes sense only and only if it is free from contradiction. It was certain that the descriptions and notes between singkronisasi properties wiyon-wofle with properties attached to the evangelical God in the Bible, does not have a contradiction, and only the presence of a dogmatic faith drawn up by religious fundamentalists trying to establish a truth-in dogmatics with the truth that is considered so extraordinary.

A form that identified the nature of God and wiyon-evangelical in theology wofle-wiyon significant wofle. Very clear that God was one, and also knowledgeable and superior strength and not measurable compared to the love of knowledge and power possessed by humans. The Christian and wiyon-Na Ra wofle both agree on this, that the knowledge and power of God's love is not bound by laws made by men who worked in self-humanity. Thus may be understood as a form of power that has kemaha power, the mind and the vast area and covers the entire universe.

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