Hamah Sagrim

Developing countries, since ancient people had a high appreciation of architecture. herbage writing, monks scientific studies, research on the architecture of many written, published, read, and stream-flow is realized in the style of the building as the greatness of their identity, not only by architects, but by the broad and herbage layers of society. Compared with other regions, papua province which also has a distinctive architectural style which can be appointed as the greatness and glory for those papua was forgotten.
In this section I try to examine the successes, mistakes and shortcomings committed to lifting the traditional architecture in the development papua development. A lesson this time and time will be dating that development has been developed sekarnag not understand the culture and personality does not reflect the local culture and identity is not so maintain the architecture of each region in Papua. One measure of cultural progress of a region seen from the flow aristektur which appear in the face and the physical building. The tendency of society and government in adopting the style - such as architectural style outside colonial architectural style, the style of Roman architecture, architectural styles joglo, Minang architecture, dan.yl this makes the traditional architecture of each tribe in papua forgotten. This is an oppressive colonial culture papua culture. With more and forget the flow - the flow of papua traditional architecture, the grandeur were also missing image, intention, and the work of the papua, because as the expression says that semboyang architecture; "architecture is a picture of soul and spirit person", this is the forgotten greatness.
Thus, stressed that in designing the construction of a respectful culture papua, then required to lift and include the flow of traditional architecture in the establishment of a building, even if society does not develop, sebisamungkin government buildings each region must take the style and the style of local traditional architecture.
Some forms of traditional architecture is quite unique papua and describe the greatness of papua such as house building form Honai, Enjros tobati traditional houses, traditional houses Arfak, and harit traditional houses in the district maybrat imian sawiat sliding south. An expression of regret now is that the areas papua province has his own architectural style is so dominated by the buildings - buildings from other regions. This is because the Dutch Government to build papua earlier by applying the flow of colonial architecture, as until now functioned as an office-building or local government offices and some even serve as public housing. A culture of character assassination papua architecture that has been done by the Dutch East Indies government in papua province. Dikabupaten South Sorong, Dutch East Indies government in 1950, brutally dismantle the traditional houses built by people maybrt imian sawiat as respectable as building school houses and churches (k'wiyon samu-bol wofle), by applying restrictions to not developing or building membangu-banguan the back. This makes the present maybrat imian sawiat lost architectural style and flow of them. Disisilain, in 1962, the government has entered Read More kewilayah papua, which at that time called Irian Jaya and settled until now with the building application that also do not care about the flow of local architecture. Now the architecture flow from other regions that dominate the urban face throughout papua. The issue is not the lack of manpower papua architecture, but wishes rather than the owner of which tend to want a different architectural style than were unaware of the architecture style was simple, weighted, own style, with all sorts of values contained therein.
Apparent when we were in various regions; district fasteners for example, architectural style that dominated the coastal area of the river is a style of architecture remu bajo bugis tribe, as are contained in tehit coast, architectural style that seemed to dominate the traditional architecture of Bajo, the bugis. In jayapura, now dominated by the architecture of Asia, colonial, and inserted with Minang architecture. Dimanokwari, architecture Arfak also forgotten and now the city faces is dominated by the flow manokwari colonial architecture, asia and inserted by the flow of Minang architecture. Wamena area of traditional architectural style that was so famous in the world (honai), was also not much attention, the face still looks expanse kotanyapu architectural face of all entrants. Is one of the nation's cultural erosion.
Traditional architecture of each region in the province papua is the greatness of each ethnic group is, because it is a result of their actual creation. Acculturation process of this architectural style makes people more stripped papua in a way that used by the colonizers. In a reflection of traditional architecture that we have papua analysis, is a way of cultural colonization. Apart from other cultures thrown away, on the other cultural property stolen and traded like carvings, dance and other unique cultural corank. A conclusion than a reflection of papua culture "that people used to pre-colonial papua, here likened to a sweet girl who was seized by several men, after he had been won, not because it is a pretty fight, but all the jewelry worn disekujur body was taken by the who took it after it was released dikenakannyapun clothing satupersatu and discarded, is now a beautiful young lady to lose her self-esteem for all who have him as the greatness was lost and now she was naked until crown'm taken, but grateful that he is still alive. Although he is still alive, and he was able to create new clothes, but not all of the material he has, but the materials have taken people in making clothes, because everything was false then the value itself is now less ".
A colony of papua architectures is in progress. Morale building shown is the spirit that we call egoism built. The word selfishness I use to build here because the building did not appreciate the concept of the so-called local potential (local potences), the concept of development so close (closely-building concept), thought of himself (egoism), even though he was in another culture's territory, but continue to use foreign cultural concepts to be applied. This is something cultural colonization that is being applied in the province of Papua, which was eroding synergistically than architecture, culture eroded lainpun join. Architecture for human history is a great and famous works ever made by the fathers of all nationalities in the world. While the earth itself is a house designed and built by God, and no one was able to create another planet that rival or exceed that created by God, as well as the creation of any ethnic group can not be equal and no one has the right to sukubangsapun creations of others menghilangkanm . History of architectural development of ethnicity in the province papua include dimensions of space and time that can not be determined limit. Olehkarena it in concept development in the province of Papua, should be conceived in accordance with the flow of local architecture are fundamental in every area of building types and related functions. It is said that because the areas in the province papua with the flow of concepts and architectural styles has always had rules, meaning and function, namely: the shrine, gathered Houses, Houses for residential, home education. Actually not that difficult in developing the concept of development is now using local architecture flow.
Implementation a.Keberhasilan Traditional Architecture Concept Development in Papua
A successful concept of the traditional architecture of the prominent papua often seen only on the Gate, carvings and frescoes. For the concept of architecture in the style of the building was not highlighted or no dipake in concept development, although some areas could clear the architectural style they like Enjros sentani architectural style that developed in the town of Jayapura and Wamena honai who also developed the Wamena district, but but not fully reaches 100%. While other areas such as district district southern sliding never show harit architectural style, and the district manokwari arfaknya architectural style not seen her in the concept of development.
Jayapura Diwamena and has succeeded with its traditional architecture form displays a sense of her values contained. Other regions are, the tendency with the principle of development is very dominating egotism, ultimately the values that have forgotten the local area and away on its own.
When viewed from the concept of architecture, papua be said to be the area with building their own success if the concept of architecture flows used in construction by using the concept of traditional architecture. Because this is going famous papua diversity of its traditional architectural style, papua be called sebgai a victorious nation which demonstrated its power through its architectural trends.
Concept Development Without b.Kesalahan Traditional Architecture
When we talk about the concept, then we talk about the direction, policies, ways, methods, shown in developing something conceived idea. In connection with the concept of development, every human being or group and nationalities have a method or concept and each is different, it is adapted to the needs of the existing building. A mistake in the conception of development found serign currently is, the concept of development without local architecture. Every tribe in Papua has a school or style of unique architectural buildings, but often when the concept of development, the traditional architecture of this flow does not remember (forget) or do not appear in the development process. And when we talk about traditional architecture, we have been talking about an identity, idealism, image, taste, work, a national initiative for traditional architecture is part of human culture, associated with herbage aspects of life such as arts, engineering, space / layout .
The development of the concept of regional development tends to mengesampungkan local traditional architectural style (local) which when developed, capable of lifting the greatness of the name of an area to be known and prosper. For example Joglo architecture, architecture Honai, colonial architecture, architecture bizantum, Minang architecture, arsitketur fengsui, harit architecture, existing in each region since the existence of their ancestors, and grow together in their lives.
The factors that influence that architecture is tradiaionl be forgotten:
1.pengaruh flow out with the style of architecture, aesthetics and modern forms.
2.keinginan building owners who tend to want the architecture of other flow models.
Local 3.pemerintah not fluent in developing a concept of development by exploring the local wisdom, so that traditional architecture can not be overlooked.
4. power designer and architectural experts who are not keen in raising the flow of traditional architecture to translate it in modern form, so the local architecture remains hidden / only in the shadows of traditional aja.

Completeness Life
The history of human life has been noted that, the first man of our ancestors; life as a vagabond or a man who only make a living continuously and move from one place to another place. At this time, people do not have the completeness of his life such as fire, axes, and clothing. This is caused because they do not have kamampuan create.
History maybrat imian sawiat people have loaded their life's journey record since the ancestors. This record is also similar to the way the historical record of human ancestors from other parts of the world herbagai. Human maybrat imian sawiat initially did not have the completeness of life in this era, and they are as human beings or breadwinner travelers with a place to move.
In our study in some kampung in the year 2000 - 2001, ie dikampong; udagaga, makaroro, mogatemin, mugim, keyen, sengguer, moswaren, while browsing history and further our research in 2004 and 2007 from the region; AYAMARU, sosian, temel, mapura , suwiam, yukase, segior, kartapura, sauf, sembaro, soroan, welek, white sand, malabolo, klamit, kladut, Kambuaya, jitmau, kartapura, currents, kambufatem, susmuk, aifat, mare, Karon, and along the river kamundan, mukamat , ayata, kamro, TEMINABUAN, wehali, serbau, Serer, tofot, haha, woloin, imian, and wainslolo, found few reports of the completeness of human life is maybrat imian sawiat;
A. Language
History maybrat language development, language sawiat, imian language, not known to exist since when, but for body language, already exists or has been used by Man maybrat imian sawiat, primitive as their membership numbers more than one person. Body language is the language of the first communication that had been used by people maybrat imian sawiat.

B. Stone Axes
People maybrat imian sawiat first called primitive people, in their lives, the completeness of the first living person known by the maybrat imian sawiat stone axes (stone ax) "fra Maan" in the title maybrat language. Data taken on stone axes (stone ax) of the completeness of human life maybrat imian sawiat primitive, known as the stone age. Unfortunately, stone axes (stone ax) is not found his form, because it has been thrown / dimusnahakan by the Dutch East Indies government in 1950.yl and the location or kampung-kampung which is also inhabited by the dissolution to be combined kekampong-kampung kampung around for expansion. Maybe we should go back to uncover the locations of the disbanded former kampong to search for prehistoric objects are discarded.
Maybrat primitive humans first imian sawiat carrying stone axes (stone ax) is the TEMINABUAN Srowy TII, then taken by primitive man named Woroh Simian, and took him to Fayoh area. When it woroh simian met a man named primitive Fhour Dyaman. This is the beginning of the fathers knew maybrat imian sawiat stone axes (stone ax). From this description, it is clear that humans first maybrat imian sawiat who knew and introduced stone axes (stone ax) is a Tiĩt Sroey is human primitive / fathers who live tehit area (now Teminabuan).
C. Fire - Tafoh - Sala (flame)
People imian oil this maybrat then known fire primitive 'tafoh-sala' (flame), which is expected in the stone age. The fire, first known maybrat area, where fire is known through natural phenomena, namely when there is friction between the trees that one with the other trees, and caused a spark that becomes hot coals. Name of fire (flame) is the first known in the language of primitive man is maybrat; SSS, and FUF. This is the name of the fire was first known in those days, because when tafoh named inventor who is now his name used in the titles of fire, (in the Idioms. Maybrat). When was he (tafoh) saw a spark that comes when the last tree to friction fire, he (tafoh) then approached her and touched her hand, but because his hands on fire and he winced in pain by removing the SSS said, after that, went to secondary tafoh dengn extinguish the desire blew way. When he tried to blow it and the sound is heard tiupannya breath FUF, by relatives who shared with him, so they called the fire by using FUF a body language to tell other relatives about the fire.
From this discovery, maintained and developed to megalithic era, in which human maybrat imian sawiat primitive began developing a simple technology producing fire (flame tecnology). At this time, human maybrat imian sawiat so primitive, little by little began to change. At this time also they began to try to mix the ingredients to create a fire.
The materials used for making fire first is:
a.Rotan (too atu)
b.Kayu (fig)
leaves c.Ampas (hita gat)
d.Cara works is; Rattan wrapped around the wooden bridge and the residue dried leaves and then placed under the cable pulled to left and kekanang by rubbing on the wood wall in turn for several minutes and when the wood heat, so causing a spark that fell on the dry leaves residue thus become embers.
The material used second or two models:
a.Bambu (tbil / Bron)
b.Pecahan stone (habah fra)
leaves c.Ampas (hita gat)
The way it works is: broken stone wall digesekan on dry bamboo regularly repeated friction on the same location, while the dregs at the bottom of dried leaves is prepared, after the friction produces sparks, which fell on the grounds that the dried leaves produces coals in minutes .
Third dibunakan material, or a third model:
a.Pecahan glass / glass bottle (kusia habah)
b.Bamboo (tbil / Bron)
c.Ampas wood / dry leaves (fig magic / hita gaat)
The way it works is: broken glass / glass bamboo digesekan dry skin regularly repeated to the same place and the friction of glass coated with wood pulp, so that when a spark came out directly on the existing wood pulp and produce embers. Model-making technology, the third fire with a glass material / glass, since the 16th century, when the Company entered into maybrat imian sawiat region. In this century did people know maybrat imian sawiat goods and china matches.
D. Clothing
Maybrat imian sawiat people in the process of his life, he was new to the fashion then, when other properties such as stone axes (stone ax), and fire (flame) is known. History maybrat imian sawiat people revealed that their ancestors originally lived in nudity naked. Akantetapi little by little time to process them with a balanced mind and reason are increasingly beginning to think to evolve into modern humans, so they try to gather all things related to the needs of their lives where their lives change come from primitive life to become today's modern man .
Fathers of the maybrat imian first sawiat loincloth wearing clothes / cedaku (gitaut) is Hafra Hafuk. Then introduced to his son is Hefy Hafuk, and then Hefy Hafuk, introduced her to his son Haafuk Saf, (now peer dumufle). The material used is leather clothing sebgai timber (fijoh Malak), the color White. But the clothing of bark is then replaced with fabric, in the 16th century, where people know him Maybrat imian sawiat through VOC traders. History maybrat people know imian sawiat in this fashion in the days and years are not known.

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