
Hamah Sagrim

Wiyon-wofle theology can be called a theology and education of people Maybrat initiation, Imian, Sawiat, in accordance with the activities, the nature and purpose. Education initiation in natural theology tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, may be referred to as initiation educational objective and subjective, namely:

____________ Objective theology historical theology

____________ Subjective theology dogmatic theology and practical.

Theology wiyon-wofle also divided as follows:

1. Expressing ____ historical theology of history greatness wiyon-wofle

2. Systematic theology ____ All activities undertaken in wiyon-wofle are systematic, not terubahkan.

3. ____ Practical Theology Theology wiyon-wofle done with a practical method.

In education-wiyon initiation wofle theology, there are other parts of theology; systematic and practical that each part has the main points of theology in accordance with the pembidangannya taught. The division can be made as follows:

Systematics / Dogma




1. Dogmatic wiyon-wofle

2. Ethics wiyon-wofle

3. Apology

1. Missiologi wiyon-wofle

2. Catechetical

3. Homiletics

4. Pastoral

5. Initiation Wiyon-Wofle

Thus, the initiation of theological education wiyon-wofle included in the group of practical theology.

A. Theology wiyon-wofle and initiation

In accordance with his duties, then the initiation of education is the flow of traditional education Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, called wiyon-wofle that delivers and prepares those who are responsible and knowledgeable wiyon-wofle initiation, and in order to achieve this goal, the teaching and learning activities dilaksanakanlah initiation system and the closed boarding as a form of ministry. Sincerity and hard work is necessary for the purpose of initiation wiyon-wofle achieved and holy vocations are met. Hence, the implementation and arrangement of the camp-school building - a tabernacle supported by the devices - tools that complete. Theological education guidelines initiation wiyon-wofle usually walk with a maximum time of at least 12 months and 9 months. Devices that support the implementation of education-wofle initiation wiyon is:

· Method college / school

· Penasehatan Method

· Method combined college / school and penasehatan

· Test method

· Method Improvements

· Methods Fasting

· Method solitude as an increase in spirituality.

Theological education materials wiyon-initiation covers wofle points Tgif bo-word, wiyon-wofle, penjadian, humans, and the main points of religious doctrine wiyon-wofle. See the following scheme:

Education Initiation Wiyon-Wofle

Bo-Bo Tgif snyuk


God Wiyon-wofle



Poko-basic teaching-wiyon initiation wofle

Wiyon theological education-initiation wofle specified in section and grain-butirnya as beriikut:

1. About wiyon-wofle

· Who are wiyon-wofle in terms of grammar Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat.

· Revelation and revelation as testimony wiyon-Na Ra wofle

· Recognition believe wiyon-wofle

· Responsibilities based on the recognition wiyon-wofle

2. About Penjadian

· Expression botgif-bo snyuk-watum (word) about penjadian

· News nucleus of penjadian

· Meaning kekhalikan wiyon-wofle

3. About Tgif bo - bo snyuk - watum (Word)

· Etymology Tgif bo - bo snyuk - watum (Word)

· Content Tgif bo - bo snyuk - watum (Word)

· Kononisasi

· The right way of using Tgif bo - bo snyuk - watum (Word)

· K'wiyon-bol wofle - Tabernacle - camp - schools - churches.

4. Of human

· Human difference with other creations

· Man as wiyon-Na Ra wofle

· Mandate and duties of wofle to wiyon-wiyon-Na Ra wofle

5. The main points of initiation teachings wiyon-wofle

· This sin - iro

- Sinner Man - mortal Raa iin - Na iin

- The punishment for sin iro

The forgiveness of sins miyon · iro - iro Tgif - Death wlah

- True Mediator

- Life is good

· This help - help

People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as social beings in their actions to establish a theological education wiyon-initiation wofle a penjurusan the interests of their spirituality.

The concept of social relations and religion Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat


A. Container all social relations and religious communities Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. The whole network in general / broad without showing the boundaries of a particular relationship between the social and religious free.

B. A network of social relations and religion that shows style and attitudes of different social groups and religion freely.

C. Group; free social groups and religions that have a real social relationship with a structure so prominent real.

D. Quasi-free social group and religion

E. Groups with a direct relationship between

F. Groups with no direct relationship between large

G. Groups with a direct relationship between limited

H. Groups with no direct relationship between limited

I. Groups with no direct relationship between area.

A. Characteristics wiyon-Na Ra wofle

Wiyon-na Raa wofle are groups and associations who call themselves as servants wiyon-wofle (God). Association or group wiyon-Na Ra wofle also a community where they also have characteristics requirements as the public.

The characteristics of the people who belong to associations wiyon-Na Ra wofle are:

1. There is interaction between wiyon-Na Ra wofle with the residents.

2. Having procedures, rules, customs, and norms that govern interactions

3. The existence of continuity between fellow wiyon-Na Ra wofle and with citizens

4. Mempusatkan of the identity of wiyon-Na Ra wofle and citizens.

In addition there are two additional features;

1. Having the organization and management systems

2. Members of the group some time together and then disperse again

In the area Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the two traits is owned by the unity of people as features of social unity and the unity of the church (Raa wiyon - Na wofle) disebutjuga religious unity. Both groups have an element of unity is a clear specific locations and although the group wiyon-Na Ra wofle have a sacred group, but they are not directly away from the citizens, because wiyon-Na Ra wofle is part of a group of allied clan kinship among citizens.

From the nature of organizational and leadership systems each with a different bond, which contains a system of customs and norms that have been there all the time and could be called a kinship to the system citizen groups.

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