
Hamah Sagrim

History of theology wiyon-wofle mengiktisarkan that at that time, Mbouk woods hunting, when he was guarding the bird's noose he put it, in the mountainous terrain Torsaen, there wiyon-wofle declared himself a dove through the woods (Habe), who was Mbouk approached from the top of the tree being installed trap. At that time, mbouk made by the bird's sleep, while Mbouk was asleep, he brought in a dream by the holy spirit to wiyon-wofle. After Mbouk met wiyon-wofle and he was given a task and a great responsibility.

Wiyon-wofle provide law which Mbouk than spoken, the law was written to the whole body or body Mbouk with red writing, but wiyon-wofle law, wiyon-wofle also inform and instruct the Mbouk that he should set up the tent (k'wiyon -bol wofle) which as an wiyon-wofle throne and to put the ark of the covenant wiyon-wofle. In that way, Mbouk anointed by the spirit with the power to make miracles. Wiyon-wofle (God) ordered Mbouk to teach each person and bring them up (Ra mber) and the first he had to do was to establish a k'wiyon-bol wofle (tent) and do discipleship and the terutamasekali should do is take a Mbouk firstborn of her men to be educated (yber). In the words wiyon-wofle theology, that at the time wiyon-wofle talk Mbouk and ordered to Mbouk that, "Offer the eldest male lakimu me, and Educate the child to know me".

After that, Mbouk became aware again of his dream, and when he saw her listed disekujur writings written by wiyon-wofle while he slept and then from that, and then continue Mbouk-wiyon orders from wofle him about preaching the gospel wiyon - who has preached wofle (spoken) to her. Mbouk do everything in accordance with the orders they have gained from wiyon-wofle.

As the command of God to the prophet Moses, when Moses was tending the sheep and the goats Jethro, priest-in-law in the land of Midian. When Moses was herding cattle keseberang pure wilderness, there angel of the Lord appeared to him in light of the fire is out of the midst of the bush. God commanded Moses to be responsible for bringing the people of Israel out of the land of slavery, by saying that "I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, God of Jacob", Moses covered his face, because he was afraid of looking at God. Then God said, "I've seen the suffering of my people in Egypt and have heard their cry for freedom from the people who oppress them and now you Kuutus". Exodus 3:1-11.

After that, God gave Moses the power to make miracles, then musa answer to God "but what if the Israelis do not want to believe and would not care about my words?, But God gave Moses the power to prophesy through the sticks, water and binatan". Exodus 4:1-17.

After that, Moses Sinai mountains and the Lord spoke to Moses and gave ten law and ordered Moses to build the tabernacle as the throne of God and a place to put the ark of the covenant. Exodus 20:1-26.

In wiyon-wofle agreement with Mbouk, wofle ordered wiyon-Mbouk to tell Maybrat tribes, Imian, Sawiat, about who he is and about how to set up k'wiyon-bol wofle (tent) as a place of worship and sacrifice to wiyon-wofle .

God commanded Moses to say to the Israelites, "You have seen how I am, Lord, speak to you from the sky. Make me an altar of the soil, then there Offer and sapimu sheep for the burnt offering and sacrifices for peace ". Kutentukan every place you as a place to worship me, I will come and bless you, do not build a high altar that must be climbed with a ladder, so do not look part within you that is not worth seeing. Exodus 24:22; 24:26.

Wiyon-wofle theology teaches dogmas Maybrat convincing people, Imian, Sawiat, in using wiyon-wofle greatness. Perhaps we may say that the faith of people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, already growing in the doctrines and dogmas of theology that wiyon-wofle. Is an interesting topic for us to discuss, because the faith and Christian beliefs, evangelical figure of God is the God who is the fathers of the people or the children of Israel who has the power and majesty that is always glorified. A pensubstitusian between the growing faith in modern theology and the faith that grows in wiyon-wofle theology.

When God in the Bible is considered to be a grandmother moyan of Jewish descent, it should wofle is wiyon-nenekmoyan people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, no matter the modern problem of God and God's traditional, is equally a God that each believed dogmatic theology, as each religion. Is a value that is attached in the Lord evangelical and wiyon-wofle that are not vulnerable. Entities God (wiyon-wofle) as has been believed by Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as a source of thermal ultimate reality in their theology, wiyon-wofle is their ancestors who they trust, then we will draw a conclusion that the fathers of the so Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, it is.

Bani Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua, they assume that God (wiyon-wofle) is the only God the one and am, which since then they are going to uphold wiyon-wofle (God) they are.

Mungkinsaja sounds a bit strange, but the arguments presented by the theologian figures wiyon-wofle (wiyon-Na Ra wofle) in wrestle-wiyon religion is good wofle in reconstructing the life and growth of faith to believe them. So based on the concept wiyon-wofle theology, the existence of an entity that indicates the existence of God.

We can say that wiyon-wofle no different from God who believed by Christians. Rationalist formula similar to God since Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as recorded in the Bible.

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