
Hamah Sagrim

In theology wiyon-wofle, wofle baseball k'wiyon not given to laymen Ra-na iin iin k'wiyon-bol but wofle was given to:

1. The people who elected "wiyon-Na Ra wofle" to fulfill the plan wiyon-wofle (God).

2. Congregation led by the holy spirit (wiyon-Na Ra wofle har ro msya).

Means k'wiyon or wofle baseball camp is for people who belonged to the "chosen family", which is a new born (Ra mber) and led by the holy spirit (msya har).

Evidence of any spiritual kegerakan is wiyon-Na Ra wofle and Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, building and pure camp with a break away from the money! People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, at the time of building k'wiyon-bol wofle (tent), no shortage of material, usually even-wiyon Raa Na wofle should forbid them to bring more material, because it was too much of the materials provided .

Building the camp, for wiyon-Na Ra wofle, based on; tatangan offerings, the movement of the heart, liver ridlah, voluntary, love and conscience, the spirit of God's wisdom, and exemplary.

Build k'wiyon baseball camp wofle, in the belief Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, they were not built by anyone, but people who are entitled to build their camp is knowledgeable, they are filled with the Holy Spirit. In the group founder k'wiyon baseball camp that wofle, usually limited and only consists of 2-4 people. There are some builders who plays a role in the development k'wiyon-bol wofle, the bam-Na Ra and Ra tmah Na wiyon-wofle. As in the tabernacle of Moses, artisans made up of two people who play a role in development, namely Bezaliel as a leader, and as a prentice Aholiab. A picture of the things Jesus as foreman and the holy spirit to be servants and helpers.

As theology wofle about wiyon-builders, who have received equipment from the Lord (wiyon-wofle) and spirit (har) that are considered sacred, so it was for them, every man needs to equipped with properties and wiyon-wofle power of the holy spirit so that every man is able to establish wofle baseball k'wiyon the truth. So in theology wiyon-wofle, looks very clear that, only artisans equipped with the holy spirit (har ro MOF), has the wisdom, and intelligence are allowed to work. There should not be mixed or not the Anointed One. Development k'wiyon-bol wofle not only "so long as it", but in theology wiyon-wofle, k'wiyon-bol should wofle right established under the plan and model wiyon-wofle. If these requirements are essential for the development k'wiyon-bol wofle, it is a kemiriban as expressed in the tabernacle of Moses, and the tabernacle bembangunan time just so, especially in the construction of the house of God is eternal in the end this time. Read, Exodus 25:9,40.

Interpretation of Christian faith, Moses is now no longer alone in the task that God charged him, an example for the present. Thus explained C.J. McKnight, in Stensialnya, "Moses did not bear and do their own (monopoly), the work, but God has called someone else and given the task of (department) on the work of the tabernacle and perfection". (baca. Exodus 36:1-4, Ephesians 4:11-15,16) - perfection people - the pious ". As a job-led development in the Age of the Temple of Moses, so Jesus and the holy spirit had arranged for the church age. "Read. Kisahpara apostles. 13: 1-4; 14:23; 15:4; 20:17, Philippians 1:1, Hebrews 13:24; James 5: 14; 1 Peter 5:1; Revelation 4:4 "

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