
Hamah Sagrim

Toward the end of the second millennium, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, even we all see clearly that the world we know is dying. For several decades, we live with the knowledge that we have succeeded in creating all that brilliant. Cold war and starvation and the spread of the virus causing AIDS threatens the proportion of disease that can not be controlled. In two or three generations, the population will become too great for the planet Earth. Thousands of people were on the verge of dying because of starvation and drought. The generations before us have felt that the end of the world is near, but we seem to face the future is unimaginable. For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, whether the idea of wiyon-wofle will appear in the coming years? During the eighteenth century until the seventeenth down, ideas - ideas that have been able to respond to the demands of the times, but in the nineteenth century until the present century, more and more people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat feel it no longer exists (loss - lose), and as an idea loss of religious functions, she began to be forgotten, as happened in wiyon-wofle. Wiyon-wofle was the brainchild of Maybrat past, Imian, Sawiat. The authors consider the book a new appointment is infected false consciousness rooted in their time, but analysts think the awareness of his time as a purely intellectual gifts. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, looking wiyon-wofle as divine conditions that can not be deleted begitusaja in any era.

Virtually every ethnic group to maintain their religion and God without being influenced by other religions, because when he was worshiped by his religion, he would feel something unusual about the divinity of God and the value is higher or almost perfect. However, a person who has been releasing his religion he worshiped, and he better understood, he has achieved perfection not score, because he did not know much about the new religion with the worship of God is. Because the new covenant in the book has to say so; take your share and do not take the people, because you will be reduced. God has given to each tribe its parts, be it culture, language, sea, land, religion and so forth for each of them and he dwelt in it in secret through a different perbagian's divinity.

People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, have lost part of them, because they are forced to take part than to the wishes of Israel as the people of Christ, but has been clearly mentioned in the gospels that the Jews are the original olive and the other is the wild olive. Christian teaching requires every people who are not children of Israel to his knees and prayed for the people of Israel so that they too are blessed and God of Abraham, Ihak, and Jacob is not willing to accept the children of Israel as His child. Part of the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, has wasted away, like someone who sold all his clothes that had been used and he walked with bare for his brother's clothes the other by praying; when they both have the same parts.

Actually, the question here is the existence of God is, and actually the idea of God has wiyon-wofle coherent meaning. The statement about God wiyon-wofle so meaningful because the revelation of God can be proved wrong diferifikasi or k'wiyon about the wofle baseball.

Wiyon-Na Ra wofle said that GOD father, or reigning in yabi Oron k'wiyon-bol wofle, a meaningful statement because of an interaction between human transendensial laity and Ra-Na wiyon with Oron wofle and YABI or GOD. Demikianpula another statement saying wiyon-Na Ra wofle in their faith to make a meaningful statement taatkala said: I believe wiyon-wofle (God), because after death, we certainly can see the truth. For wiyon-Na Ra wofle wider berpengertian again that, wiyon-wofle (GOD) always is in any sense that we can understand (Ait yhar bonout wanu beta). This statement is so fantasy; because wiyon-wofle theology very sacred and the words of the word (bo Tgif) received by wiyon-Na Ra wofle contain meaningful content purity, and sentences that contain God wiyon-wofle so very coherent, and a ferifikasi - evidentiary errors that talk about wiyon-wofle have a logical meaning, because for people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, there is nothing in the concept of a wiyon-wofle rejected or doubted.

but it can we see also that not all religious people turn to God, to obtain an explanation of nature. Many are looking at the arguments that as a distraction. Now people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, has created new habit by reading the scriptures literally and interpret specific about the doctrine that the doctrine as if it is objective fact. Most people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, take it as an objective fact that the doctrine in the Scriptures always parallel or applied to the doctrine of wiyon-wofle. For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, God is subjective and impossible to prove as if he is cold facts as they met in k'wiyon-bol wofle. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle had left them alone and headed keilahiah world. In the same way, wiyon-Na Ra wofle human and Christian is a strong secular. They had left the holy place "k'wiyon-bol wofle" usual wiyon-occupied wofle "God" to meet with wiyon-Na Ra wofle environment around k'wiyon-bol wofle in the new world or the nature of God. I agree with the words of a kind of black theologian James H. Cone, who asked "how white people feel entitled to uphold human freedom through the death of God? While they enslave the people in the name of God ". Traditional Theologians Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, was impossible if a man live without wiyon-wofle (God). They themselves also have to realize that wiyon-wofle (God) has been turned off by Christianity. Wiyon-wofle theology can make people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, find a new peace-bol k'wiyon in wofle. Everyone Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, looking wiyon-wofle (God) as a major, which comes from human and human to be back, and wiyon-wofle (God) is considered more noble for mankind, he is more sacred than human, he maha know than humans, he maha there (omni present) than humans, he is not limited by anything.

Instead, we must find "God" above God. Nothing personal is the new content in it, since the nineteenth century people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, starting beradabtasi with scripture. This era may be said as a new era for the people in biblical Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle paradoxical character has realized that they worship God, realizing that God wiyon personalized in-wofle, is balanced by the transpersonali divinity. For the Christian, every prayer is a contradiction, because God speaks to someone who is just impossible to talk with Him face to a real direct and frontal impossible voice sounded impossible. For centuries, the symbols wiyon-protective and immortality wofle has made people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, be patient and bear the agony of life horror of death, but when comes the fear and doubt, this symbol-sibol lost. For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, who experience fear and anxiety of this, usually they have to find wiyon-Na Ra wofle to go to therapy with wiyon-wofle (God).

Maybrat experience, Imian, Sawiat, and Ra-Na wiyon trust God wofle conceived as wiyon-wofle above God, this is not an odd situation that can be distinguished from emotional or intellectual experience of others. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, may say that "they have special experience in wiyon-wofle theology, because wiyon-wofle (God) in baseball k'wiyon tangible wofle is prior and fundamental to all the emotions, spirit, hope and despair humans ". For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, this is their own experience, but such experiences are often experienced by every believer who believes in God above God. Therefore, this kind of situation is not a situation that called itself, but includes every normal human experience. God has beringkarnasi world believed that his presence has become a sacrament, whether he was present in the Kabbalah, the church, baseball k'wiyon self Wolfe and every person. Instead of concentrating on Jesus Christ, Christians must develop an evaluation process klimaksn portrait when God becomes all in all. Sacred Scripture tells us that God is love, and science shows that the natural world developed into a higher complexity and greater unity in this diversity. Unity - the difference is the way God reveals His love of his whole creation. God must not be equated with this world, because it will eliminate transendensialNya, but theology is wiyon-giver wofle great changes to people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat Papua, which characterizes wiyon-wofle spirituality.

People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, describes wiyon-wofle God as God, He is not portrayed as a friend of the world, or He is not portrayed as a friend who understands human sependerita. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, not so wrong in placing God wofle as wiyon-adialami order. In the conception of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, about God wiyon-natural wofle this, they include all the aspirations and potential are considered miracles (bo toho). This includes "religious experience" people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, about wiyon-wofle. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle when asked "do you think wiyon-wofle separated from nature?" They would reply that it wiyon-maha wofle are (omni present). In wiyon-wofle theology, man is directed by the same impulse; become intelligent, responsible, reasonable, loving, and should change as children of God wiyon-Na Raa wofle. Olehkarena that basic human nature demands wiyon-Na Ra wofle to transcend themselves and their perceptions at the time were in the car k'wiyon-wofle the kealahan, and these principles indicate what is called wiyon-wofle (God) in the basic nature of the problem humanity. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, especially wiyon-Na Ra wofle have "seen" God is conceived as wofle in wiyon-k'wiyon-bol wofle, he viewed in a full kealahan and his face shone so hard to be seen. Emphasis wiyon-Na Ra wofle the existence wiyon-wofle show that wiyon-wofle discovered through the senses and not only through the bad and the man which is more abstract. All this will only take place in k'wiyon-bol wofle.

For wiyon-Na Ra wofle, wiyon-wofle (God) can not be compared with other things. They also stressed that wiyon-wofle as the only reality, then there was just him and the world is essentially divine. This is an esoteric truth that could only be understood in the context of theological discipline wiyon-wofle. In the experiences wiyon-Na Ra wofle revealing about wiyon-wofle more affordable by humans through k'wiyon-bol as wofle throne. Concluded that religion wofle and wiyon-k'wiyon-bol wofle is where the encounter with wiyon-wofle (God). In k'wiyon-bol wofle, there are three regions of space; first; outer space territories, as a place where wiyon-Na Ra wofle meet with the laity (Raa Na iin-iin), second; area sacred space, as the region with space and time where wiyon-Na Ra wofle associated with other forms as subject and object, as I do - he "human wiyon-Na Raa wofle - God wiyon-wofle". Third, the all-sacred space area, where Raa Na wiyon-related wofle others as a source of ultimate reality as it is, see it as the main goal. This area or space I - Thou, who revealed the existence of wiyon-wofle (God) is the throne of God. In theology wiyon-wofle "mber wiyon" is a dialogue with the wiyon-wofle not destroy freedom or creativity wiyon-Na Ra wofle, because for wiyon-Na Ra wofle, wiyon-wofle (God) never expressed to them what the self-determined them. They experience it just as the presence and encouragement. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle always know and understand the meaning-the meaning.

Be aware that for people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, wofle baseball k'wiyon a temple for them which dwell therein wiyon-wofle (God) on the throne. Wofle baseball K'wiyon describe the reality of the existence wiyon-wofle, wofle baseball k'wiyon bear the meaning that is too great and complex, and has associations such sacred scriptures. In education-wiyon initiation wofle, wiyon-Na Raa required wofle against flesh and dehumanization moderenis. For wiyon-Na Ra wofle, consider these actions better meet the needs wiyon-wofle than their own needs as human beings. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle assume that modern life is marked by depersonalisation and exploitation; wiyon-wofle even be reduced to something to be manipulated and serve human purposes. As a result, religion wiyon-wofle will be bleak and boring; we need a theology wiyon-depth about this wofle, to go down the structures and restore the awe, mystery, and reverence before. A separate value in proving keeksistensian wiyon-wofle logically and realistically. Faith Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, to wiyon-wofle directly emanating from the understanding that has nothing to do with the concepts of humanity and rationality. Wiyon-wofle should be interpreted with sensitivity both to bear on the all-powerful. Wofle baseball K'wiyon also should be viewed as a symbolic move that train wiyon-Na Ra wofle or humans to live in the presence wiyon-wofle (God). Each booth in k'wiyon-bol wofle, has the power of divinity, and the nature of space-bol k'wiyon chamber has wofle divine power wiyon-wofle power which has its own logic and rhitem. Above all, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, realizing that wiyon-wofle human needs. Wiyon-wofle not God far as conceived by the philosopher, but who cares about human suffering as described by wiyon-Na Ra wofle.

People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, looking wiyon-wofle as important ideals in a way that tells wiyon-Na Ra wofle. They see it as God is there, even if only seen by eyes that had dicelikkan (Raa mber), for the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, it is not an issue. When people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, live without the idea of wiyon-wofle, eating no meaning in life about the truth, or absolute morality; ethics, perhaps only a matter of taste, feeling or behavior. We draw conclusions of this perception in the modern world, that without the idea of "God", politics and morality will be pragmatic and cunning, is not wise. If nothing is absolute, there is no reason to not hostile or that war is worse than peace. Religion is essentially an inner feeling that there is God. One of our dreams is the earliest yearning for justice (how often do we hear someone protest; "it's not fair !!"). religious record of human aspiration and the lawsuit before the suffering and mistakes. Religion makes us aware of our limitations; we all hope that the injustice in the world to an end.

People who do not have religious beliefs, he would walk according to his own ego. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, found God as wiyon-wofle, it sounds strange, but it is not seasing we imagine, because they focus on God, and God is not something new. Sebagimana we have seen, the Jewish scriptures that the Christians called the agreement "long" they are, show a similar process, al-Quran from the beginning call of God in terms that are less personal than the Judeo Christian tradition. Such trinity doctrine and mythology and the symbolism of it all istikal system attempted to show that God is beyond personality. But this does not become clear by itself for not most people believe.

When people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and Ra-Na wiyon initially wofle disappointed by Christians, who did not give room for wiyon-wofle in cosmology, they are still thinking about God in terms wiyon-wofle, as the form which has created the same way as we , man made things. But since the beginning of the creation story is not so disclosed in detail by wiyon-Na Ra wofle to be understood literally. Like the notion of Yahweh as the creator has not entered into Yudaime until kebabilonia expulsion. This is a concept foreign to the Greek mind: creation from nothing (ex nihilo) is not considered official doctrine of Christianity before the Council of Nicaea in 341 years. creation is the core teachings of the Koran, but as all expressions of the Qur'an about God, this is also a "metaphor" or "sign" (verse - verse) of a truth that can not tercampakan. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and the rationalist Muslims and Jews feel it as a doctrine is difficult and problematic and difficult to express in detail.

In short, cosmology is not a scientific explanation of natural origin, but is essentially a symbolic expression of the spiritual and psychological truth. As we have seen that the new events that sabotage the territory of other religions without leaving room for them as religion wofle region wiyon-Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Recent historical events such as the Christian region Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, perceived as a threat to the traditional conception of divinity wofle compared wiyon-science discoveries. But in the West, literal understanding of scripture has been planted long ago. While some Western Christians feel their faith in God shaken by new science, they might think of God as the great mechanic who conceived Newton, a divine vision that should be personalistik rejected on the basis of religious reasons or scientific. The challenge of science will probably take the church to a new appreciation of the symbolic character of biblical narrative.

Wiyon-wofle apparently showing an alternative that may be more acceptable. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle have long argued that not wiyon-wofle other forms; they claim that He is God who truly better existence and call it there. God is for everyone wiyon-Na Ra wofle refusing a picture that is not worthy of the absolute against wiyon-wofle (God). Instead of looking at God as an objective fact in wofle baseball k'wiyon that can be demonstrated through theology postulates that wiyon-regarded scientific wofle, wiyon-Na Ra Wofle it claims that God is wiyon-wofle objective experience that mysteriously approached by initiation (wiyon mber-wofle) and can be viewed as a traditional ecclesial activity to express the reality of God. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle requires intelligence, discipline and swakritik as a bulwark against the emotionalism and the ethical projections. Wiyon-wofle not satisfy the feminism, because wiyon-Na Ra wofle semenjaknya never put elements into womanhood k'wiyon-bol wofle considered it sacred and divine.

So some attitude wiyon-Na Ra wofle may be achieved. Even if we are unable to achieve the highest degree of awareness more has been accomplished by wiyon-Na Ra wofle, we can learn that wiyon-wofle not being in simple terms, for example, or that the word "wiyon-wofle" itself is a symbol of a reality that is unspoken with different names every religion conceived in God tribes. Wiyon-wofle theology mengekangkan not to push his people about the reality of complex issues wiyon-wofle into a rigid dogma. However, if this understanding can not be felt pulsating in the veins and interpreted personally, it would appear as a meaningless abstraction. We have seen that wiyon-wofle often regarded as an esoteric discipline, not because wiyon-Na Ra wofle want to throw a fulgar, but because these truths can only be perceived by the intuitive mind after wiyon-Na Ra wofle special exercise of faith in the k 'wiyon-bol wofle. It means to be different after it was approached by road - wiyon-wofle mber is a religious activity that is very sacred when approached by this road, the road that can not be reached by humanitarian logical reasoning power.

Since wiyon-Na Ra wofle, they began to attribute feelings and their own experiences to wiyon-wofle. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, has to know God as they knew as Wiyon-Wofle. Wiyon-wofle seen as a concrete fact that can be seen as an objective existence. At present, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, has lost wiyon-wofle and they want to go back through the efforts wiyon-wofle initiation of this. This need not be a disaster, but when religious ideas wofle lost wiyon-validation, the ideas usually fades imperceptibly. If the thought of people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, about wiyon-wofle so appropriate for them at the time of this empiric, it must wiyon-wofle revived as the absolute focus of spirituality. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, has created the confidence for themselves, for and won admiration within the meaning of life is wiyon-wofle unsaid.

One hundred percent of people in the region Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua, claiming faith in God in the Biblical gospels, but in the hearts and minds of people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, wiyon-wofle asleep (God) who always sounded echoes of conscience dikedalaman chink. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, could not bear the burden of regret will lose wiyon-wofle that the burden of emptiness and loneliness; now people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, must fill the void with reviving the wiyon-wofle as a focus to achieve a meaningful life . Christians who had a hit in the region Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, not a replacement, but is worshiped by Christians is a God - which in the conception of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, called wiyon-wofle, or also to say with the understanding that God is wiyon-wofle and wiyon-wofle is God.

People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, should be raised again wofle from wiyon-keterbuangannya and turn it back. Because wiyon-wofle worship tantamount to worshiping the Lord.

Rise wiyon-Na Ra wofle

Rise up people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat

Establish your temple - the tabernacle (k'wiyon-bol wofle) for wiyon-wofle GOD have you know it, because He is God. Wofle the Wiyon-through memerintahkanya to MBOUK.

Go to him, all the wealth that is yours is with him, bawakanlah as you please because it is yours.

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