Hamah Sagrim
Hamah Sagrim
This book could be described as a study of some properties that are traditionally attached to the self-interest of God in theism Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, merbuan West Papua. Further study will be paralleled with the attributes of God in the Biblical gospel.
The purpose than this study seems to be more theological comparison, the conception of God in wiyon-wofle and its properties in terms of traditional faith, religious beliefs Maybrat tribal people, Imian, Sawiat, and then paralleled the modern faith in the Christian religious beliefs. The concept of God within the framework of this faith is one that is not tied pendiskusian or not to accept the authority of a claim is nothing particular revelation, both Christian revelation and the revelation wiyon-wofle, but the core than this study in order to provide a reference to every seeker of God to be more intelligent in the know who God is. In other words, although this study included into a discipline of traditional theology, the theology of the traditional tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, wiyon-wofle, but he strived to be as much as possible a theological discipline nature of a merger between a modern theological and traditional theological.
Although in general the study of theology and faith of this sort can be done by the faithful, the practice of natural theology is wiyon-wofle will not necessarily bring a person to direct trust or mistrust of the traditional God keeksistensian-wofle it wiyon. It could be argued that by looking at the coherence of some properties of evangelical Biblical God, then this review will conceptual question arose early that "logically possible if there is an entity that has particularly divine nature of the traditional?".
Natural word in the term "Natural theology" is intended to demonstrate the existence of natural theology and cons of evangelical theology. Traditional theology tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, wiyon-wofle, is not natural in the sense of a simple activity or not complicated. Wiyon-religious concept that is wofle natural religion is a product of interest Maybrat theism, Imian, Sawiat, called wiyon-wofle and is a complex theology, and certainly sound familiar to most ears religious thinkers. This concept emerged in which the local evangelists Maybrat tribe, Imian, Sawiat, in Papua wilayan Meirbuan many to reflect on what they believe. That is when they call an equation between elements untsur arranged through the parts they think are based on supernatural revelation of God in the Bible, through Moses and Christ in the history of the Jewish faith and the Christian church with God memparalelkan-wofle traditional wiyon them.
Wiyon = Name of Allah traditional tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. The term in Maybrat
Wofle = Name of Allah traditional tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat in language titles; Imian, Sawiat.
The possibility that the existence of natural theology wiyon-wofle has long rejected by Christian theology. The arguments or theological basis in the Bible records that has meaning which raised controversy in natural theology as opposed wiyon-wofle. Is a relationship will be the basis of traditional faith and wiyon-wofle Christian faith which is based on the biblical and their dogma. In the main the old covenant, the ten law that explicitly claim that God is the one who should be worshiped is God evangelical "YHWH". As in the ten books of the law in the output section 20:3-5
Revealed that;
Verse: 3. no other God you dihadapanKu
4 do not make you a statue that resembles anything above, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Do not bow down to them because I am the Lord your God is a jealous God, the iniquity of the Father to His children, to the descendants of the third and fourth of the people who hate me.
Ten Torah in the Bible found in Genesis chapter: 3-2, is a prohibition and as assertiveness and threats falling within Article; 5. Christians believe the Gospel bergunaan lack of scientific faith as a means to achieve safety and useless speculation Maybrat tribe theism, Imian Sawiat (wyion / wofle) as a way to get to heaven. Meanwhile, the philosophical arguments against natural theology is often ignored and considered not meaningful because refers to an entity that can not be observed, the transcendent, like the Lord of traditional theism. Both types of these objections are not attacking the possibility of natural theology itself, but only interprets the possibility of a natural theology itself, and simply interpret akantetapi also the possibility of a positive natural theology and useful. This is reasonable because if we consider natural theology tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as a kefilosofian analysis of the concepts of evangelical thinking about God, then there is a cancellation of the existence of God, or a proof that a proof that the basic idea of God is not coherent, and will be one measure of success of natural theology.
In parts of this book, I will discuss tribal Maybrat Natural Theology, imian, Sawiat, which includes myths, legends, and customs-wyion called wofle which paralelkan with biblical about the nature of God and the God of evangelical science with faith Natural Religion and the Evangelical Religion. Statements about God's meaningful and coherent, is the overall theme of this book. But apparently it is better to say that this book is a special study conducted as a challenge to the existence of God that in view of limited by a certain time and space so that He is trustworthy since the past and is immanent as wiyon Scientific-wofle trusted by the tribe Maybrta, Imian, Sawiat (wyion / wofle) which is in the life konstuktif tribe Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, then subsided name.
"What is in our experience, if God exists or what would happen if God did not exist?" That is the question mentioned frequently in those affected by logical positivism. We also could be asked, "Is there a difference between the world as it is with the existence of God and the world as it is without God? ". It is true, the theist is likely to feel embarrassed when asked this question to them, but they are still trying to find the answers.
Trying to find the answer, this question is merukapakan suatua game will not be won by anyone in, but it's not necessarily reflect a lack of religious language bermaknaan. Because, for example, there is the proposition P, then there is the question 'what is the difference between the world as it is and there is P?', People can not be answered. If the answer; the difference is going to be like this, when there is P 'and like that when there is no P', then the answer would be rejected because it was not informative. The same thing happens when someone gives an answer of a proposition Q that is not synonymous with P, and states that the difference is Q, then, because Q is not equal to P then people will ask; "then what's the difference between the Q when P is actually there? "and the game will start from the beginning.
These tactics can be used to not care what P's (as critics of the approach that mensubtitusikan P positifis with the proposition that there is something outside the mind); so if we can show that religious language does not mean it can also be shown that any language other languages outside the religion would be less meaningful.
In certain cases it is wrong to understand a sentence of the gospel of God as a whole from parts - part of their meaning alone, so God theism and its properties. For traditional tribal Maybrat theologian, Imian Swiat, a phrase sentence in tribal Maybrat Natural theology, Imian, Sawiat (wyion / wofle) is not enough to be understood only from utuhnya sentence only, but from the meaning. A sentence in the expression of natural theology Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat (Wyion / Wofle) is always complete, articulate and of course could give rise to a meaningful expression. We need to know that the phrase "green ideas that are not colored bed with a very angry and full of berisyarat" scientific ideas as the book contains 10 evangelical white ideas, and he berwaarna not sleep very angry and full of berisyarat too. Is a significant statement because we know the meaning of the expression of the possessed, not because an examination of the rightness or wrongness of the real line as a whole.
For that, the interest in the question of God Church and eksistesi Lord Scientific (Wyion / Wofle) then reviewed all of God's attributes Scientific Maybrat tribe, Imian, Sawiat (wiyon-wofle) is paralleled with the nature of God in the Bible Christian Gospel. If the phrase is said in the study that theism Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, it exists and has the divine attributes of God according to the Christian Gospel, that God's people Maybrat Scientific, Imian, Sawiat is really not in conflict with the nature of God's Gospel Modern Christian and truly God (Wiyon / Wofle) was there. And if "God Maybrat scientific person, Imian, Sawiat, it is" then it is true, then the divine nature of traditional Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, at least be coherent and in accordance with the Christian Gospel in the Bible. Coherence of ideas about God (Wiyon / Wofle) as the owner of the properties of traditional divinity. It is a mandatory requirement for keeksistensian God (Wiyon / Wofle) that, though of course not enough to just be seen from the nature of the course.
We'll start by discussing the two traditional nature of God; Omniscience (omniscience) and Omnipotence (omnipotence). Both of these properties is given to God by the majority of Christian theologians Jews and Muslims, two properties were also given by the theologian Traditional tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Qualities such as justice, compassion and love to have a more obvious significance for the faith (the faith of modern and traditional faith); but these properties are also not directly on the just approved on the basis of investigation and philosophical analysis.
First: Some Christian theologians and theologians Traditional Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat would say that the only revelation that without the help of a mind that can give us a basis to think that the properties such as fairness, compassion and love can be applied to God.
Second: Whatever the significance of these properties when applied to God and God's Church of Sciences. These qualities are not understood simply as when applied to humans. On the other hand, the intellect and the power attributed to the Lord in a very literal sense: namely, that the power of infinity the difference between creator and creation. Omniscience and Omnipotence are not the attributes that used to be applied to humans. Both these properties are used merely to understand God by analogy. Both of these properties to express the concepts intended to show the specificity of God's attributes. Each concept is the result of reflection of the filusuf or evangelical theologians and traditional-minded Philosophical against the elements in the Christian religious tradition and religious theism Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat.
The traditional tribal Maybrat Theolog, Imian, Sawiat, the scientific belief in God they (wiyon-wofle), has menyatakakan that their traditional God literally; movement and activity of natural theology tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and her story are well known in the realm . For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, do not feel weird and say that God is omniscient evangelical about all things scientific as their god. Everything said and everything the mind of the people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat about the nature of God's omniscience god evangelical and scientific, they are not different and has similarities significant. Can be recognized that the trust will theism Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, is something that is inappropriate, because it has similarities with the Christian gospel significant.
In the old covenant, God said to know the future, either hidden in the Causation of natural or free of human purpose and design. It could be argued that the knowledge of God among all the mysteries of nature, and Psalm 139 describes how the human minds even the most hidden'll never hidden from the sight of God. Thus the concept of natural theology tribal Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, reveals that all forms of treatment than any existing human mind, God can be known by their scientific (wiyon-wofle). Based on the knowledge of Yahweh Isaiah writers of the future, God made different evangelical false gods of the pagans. The teachings of the old covenant was later repeated by Jesus Christ (Matt 11: 21) and by the compilers of the Jewish Risalas (Heb 4: 13).
The parts of the old and new covenant that describe the knowledge of God, it is very poetic and theoretical to determine what the authors meant to omniscience of God above all things that. The core concept in favor of the Church of God's omniscience and god according to the scientific Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, unlike some of which stoik thinkers seem to believe that; "A lot of things that are not significant for God to know and there are many things that will lower the glory of God when he intervened to deal with. Among the priests of the church this view St.Jerome once said that had once stated that; is absurd to assume that God knows in detail how many lice are born or die, a lot of flies in this world and how many fish in the sea . Yet again emphasized that God is a literal omniscience.
Since the early days, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat had anticipated and keep in secret the problems that will arise in the doctrines of other beliefs about their scientific Lord. For the traditional Theolog Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, (wiyon-Na Ra wofle) displays an understanding that God can be scientifically they are able to know everything and the God they can not be wrong. This is when paralleled with the Christian gospel Tuha is a similarity that has been entrusted. Thus, if from the time of eternity, God has known before is not only about human behavior, but also their plans and desires, then to humans, there is no freedom (free Weel) free will. Therefore, it can be stated that from the viewpoint of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, a particular action might seem to himself, including the future, but not from God's perspective; as well as adherents of action for Christianity, the future is not determined by the sum of human knowledge itself but everything is determined by God and man can only live alone.
Thus, concluded that people trust Maybrat natural theology, Imian, Sawiat, and the Christian gospel trust agreement and agrees that, God has a very detailed knowledge and not be wrong about the future, and that human action is not free from God and not predetermined based on his own humanity. Theological doctrine of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat (wiyon-wofle) and theological evangelical about omnipotence (omnipotence). As of omniscience is based on materials of Christian gospel and the gospel Maybrat natural person, Imian, Sawiat, and Greece. One of God's name in the old covenant is EL-SHADDAY which translated into the language Maybrat Oron, Imian, Sawiat, and in Greek and translated into pantokrator in the Latin gospel OMNIPOTENCE. Power of God's remarkable look at the history of Israel in order of heaven and earth, as well as the Maybrta, Imian, Sawiat. After hearing the reading of Yahweh about the miracle of creation is acknowledged "I know that you are all-powerful; what you bayangakan, can you do, is a recognition that signifies the adherents of the Christian Gospel of Israel, and adherents of natural Maybrat gospel, Imian, Sawiat, (wiyon-wofle ) and have a common recognition. (Job 42:2). Jesus shocked his disciples by saying that it's easier for a camel to pass through a needle than for a sinner to enter heaven, so His disciples asked, "then who is biased safe? "And Jesus said to them," For God, everything is possible "(Matt 19:25-26). In this case, the disciples of Jesus were given a doctrine of Jesus that they admire the Lord more. For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, similar statements can be found in the expression of their theism.
Among the Christian faith and gospel gospel natural Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, showing an expression of their belief in God's omnipotence. This is the Creed of Faith, which begins with sutu expression of faith in God as the Most High; the words in the language Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and Greek and Latin, more connotes the power of God over all things than the human ability to do things. Omnipotence for Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat considered limited, it relates to the development of their lives, but by following continuously shift their thinking patterns in the growing age appropriate, so that will give a broader understanding.
Maybrat traditional theologian, Imian, Sawiat, argued that wiyon-wofle (God) can do anything contrary to human desires, in the sense that-perimpossible-He wants to do, and nothing could stop him. Maybrat people, Imian, Sawiat great limits to the power of God, (whether wiyon-wofle "scientific God") and God's gospel: For Maybtar, Imian, Sawiat, assume that they do not doubt anymore, they think God evangelical and wiyon-wofle had everything that the One who is not owned by humans. He can make the world better and the people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, agree that God does not sin or do something evil.
However, further according to the traditional Theolog Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, (Raa Na wiyon-wofle) argued that their God as God's gospel in a sense that one could make a right and can order people to hate himself, and God can do Any even what seems logically impossible for us humans. Can disimpulakan that the number of the world that might be the absolute, God just did the best because it is the wisdom and necessity of it is true that in the actual world, everything that can happen is necessarily because of necessity rather than the power of God.
In discussing the Omniscience and Omnipotence of God Maybrat scientific interest, Imian, Sawiat, (wiyon-wofle) is paralleled with Omniscience and Omnipotence of God's gospel. In this book, I still will follow the historical order in which the two doctrines of theology developed, which will contain some common and controversial acknowledgment of God keeksistensian between scientific wiyon-wofle and God Evangelical and modifications to both God penyamanan a parallel.
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