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Hamah Sagrim
Hamah Sagrim
In the beginning, man created one God, He is all things and the ruler of heaven and earth. Thus from the outset the existence of Interest Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua, has had strong religious beliefs, and full faith in their Lord called "wiyon-wofle". There is a belief to a set of propositions with the faith that enables people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the influence of their belief in the truth of propositions that prosposisi.
In simplisit, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, believing that God exists, they also believe in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the sacrament of truth, the possibility of eternal hell and the fusion of objective reality of sin. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, saying that their belief in all religious teachings about the true reality that gave evidence to them, that the life of this world good and useful. Maybrat people's beliefs, Imian, Sawiat, first of their traditional God (wiyon-wofle) and theology wiyon-wofle. It is a creed that scary for them. Maybe when they move to follow the teachings of Christian theology with the kingdom of heaven and hell fire, like a reality. In their thinking, hell is a frightening reality of the Lord, because hell is something that can be quickly imaginatively conceived. In the process of grazing wiyon-wofle (wiyon mber-wofle, death-watum Aken) conducted by the Ra-bam tmah and Raa Na-Na wiyon theologian wofle as wiyon-wofle, each of the shepherd or the disciples (wiyon TNA) are required to memorize catechism answers to wiyon-wofle.
According to the theologians wiyon-wofle (wiyon-Na Ra wofle) is a high college spirit, he was there with him completely and perfectly without limit. "Not mengherangkan if the concept is very meaningful to them", even should be recognized. Until now, the concept still makes them shudder, the concept of such a definition is also very wet and arrogant. Maybe since their beliefs, such a conception is true and at that time people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and wiyon-Na Ra wofle realize that there was something on their religion. An idea of God they are expressed by theologians wiyon-wofle be scientific and logical, but not accepted among modern faith. Remedy for wiyon-Na Ra wofle that their ideas about wiyon-wofle is sacred.
Wiyon-Na Ra wofle-wofle faith wiyon (God) as the traditional one Lord of heaven and earth. He was not represented by any description, he is too noble to be worshiped by humanity is not adequate. Next Wiyon-wofle briefly - land he faded and lost in a blanket of memory and memories Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in the present. Wiyon-wofle now so much so that people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, decided to follow the Christian gospel by leaving wiyon-wofle, and ultimately wiyon-wofle have been abandoned or forgotten. Maybe throughout the world, that there is a primitive theism which everyone since before humans started to worship God as God many Christians, the Islamic God, the Lord Buddha, Hindu God, Lord Konhucu, and so forth. At the beginning of each person or each tribe in the world each claiming that there is only one supreme God who has created the world and set the human element from a distance. Trust God tiertinggi (sometimes called the Lord of heaven, because He is associated with elevation), still seemingly in the religions of indigenous tribes in Africa, they express their longing for God through prayer, they strongly believe that the traditional God watch over them and they will also punish every sin which they had done. However, God does not directly present in daily life and African tribes in the physical with them, no special cult for Him and He will never appear in the description (Karen Armstrong - the history of God. 27).
So wiyon-Na Ra said that wofle, wiyon-wofle can be expressed but can not be polluted by the human world. You could say that wiyon-wofle now have "far" in their lives, we may assume that this wiyon-wofle has become so far and he has been replaced by a new religion which has a conceptual and scripture, composed neat and easy to reach now, but in ancient times, nations, Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua, the Lord assumes the highest-wiyon attached wofle considered most holy in the days of eternity, so as conception wiyon-Na Ra wofle about wiyon-wofle (God) who worship. Is one of the oldest trust developed by the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in their areas to explain the mysteries and tragedies of human life and it also refers to some problems that may be encountered by their deity.
Maybe not impossible for a fellow theologians wiyon-wofle to prove how their expression of wiyon-wofle (God) in ways that have been determined. Up to the present and the days to come, many emerging modern theories that examine the origins of religion. But it seems that God created that has long been done by human beings and people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. When religion Maybrat tribal people, Imian, Sawiat, Papua (wiyon-wofle) be missing from the tribe of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, resulting from the transition of their traditional faith to believe that wiyon-referenced against wofle has moved to refer to the Christian faith believe that happened just like that without causing noise. Perhaps in our present era, many people would say that the God who has been worshiped centuries by Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, also has been a God as far as the sky.
If we pull back to combing the history of God of every religion, there would appear the notes that at first they were not far away God. "At first" This word has its own meaning of "beginning", showing something that starts from point or line of zero. In the Christian Church history records that Abraham and Moses directly interact or speak with God. Similarly, God tells Moses that He is God of Israel, He's Jewish ancestors, and ancestors of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and at that time was not considered much of YHWH.
It was very clear and the words in a conversation with the God of Moses Torsinai mountains provide a special emphasis is so significant that he is the God of the ancestors and the children of Israel at that time he would not say that He is God of the Jews and Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, or India, or Africa or China, to Moses. Similarly, for each of their respective religions and religion and wiyon-wofle God of their fathers. Next to religions other tribes who also have similar statements with their God memproposisikan themselves as God's ancestors or ancestors of their tribes. From these expressions we can underline that every tribal nation in the world has a religion and his God that they have recognized each other, as well as modern religion as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and others that have the origin of its founding. Each tribe to understand more about their religion each well is a way of worship, speech, language and speech of words appropriate to deal directly with their Lord. Because we have katakana that Christianity is a modern religion that originated from the tribe of Israel, and this is justified because wiyon-wofle religion, is a religion that originated from tribes Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, and not including the religion of the tribe of Israel . Maybrat tribe, Imian, Sawiat, more understanding and more control and more afraid of religion and God wiyon-wofle at the time of the existence wiyon-wofle theology, other than religion, which they already know how to worship their God in detail and languages and the praises of their direct use in communicating with their Lord. This also happened to every other tribe with their religion.
Maybrat tribe, Imian, Sawiat, always talking about the power and awesomeness wiyon-wofle, wiyon-wofle is capable of doing such miracles, ordered the water to dry, and became a flood, heal the sick, cast out demons (kabes Fane), judge sinners and promised salvation to the righteous. In the consciousness of people of faith believe Maybrat, Imian, it seems Sawiat really coherent, it is possible for us things that are not relevant, but the Lord they (wiyon-wofle) has played a crucial role in the history of their faith and is an insight into the largest Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, throughout the history of their religion.
To understand wiyon-wofle who have lost tribes Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, - (if indeed he has gone) - and we need to see what people are doing Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, when they began to worship their Lord (wiyon-wofle ), what it means, and how he understood. To do that, we need to trace back kedaerah Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua, which is where the idea of wiyon-wofle gradually been growing and developing in a few centuries ago.
One of the reasons why wiyon-wofle religion seems irrelevant today is that they no longer have the awareness and a sense that they are surrounded by the mighty power of (hidden). Originality of traditional religious culture of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in attention-wiyon lost wofle eroded by new theological education that affect them, so that can only concentrate the attention on the physical and material world were present before them. Mungkinsaja method of investigating this kind of world will bring many results, be but one result is Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as has happened: they lost their sense of a "spiritual" or "holy" as they surround a traditional life in every level of their God who previously as an essential part of the faith experience of the world. In teaching theology wiyon-wofle, have been disclosed about the ages as you age, the Age of Love, and the Age of the Spirit, and their presence at what age. Maybrat region, Imian, Sawiat, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, wofle refer wiyon-called that he was really there with mistisius power, as other tribes with their beliefs as a natural servant to God as a presence or spirit. Sometimes he felt as a force like impersonaliti radio activity or a form of electricity. This power is believed to reside in chief, trees, rocks, or animals. Latin people have Numina (spirits) in the sacred bush, the Arabs feel that the land covered by the jinn. The Israelis have spirits in the bush, mountains, considered sacred, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, experienced spirits in the bush, the sacred mountain. Naturally, people want to come into contact with this reality and use it as God. Maybrat experience, Imian, Sawiat, was also similar, which experienced spirits in the bush, mountains, and they associate the spirits as their primary God called wiyon-wofle, and actually people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, expressing their closeness to God that the power of (unseen) is with the world around them. Sense of "magic" power is the basis of religion wiyon-wofle. The feeling that precedes any desire to explain the origin of the world or find a basis for ethical behavior. Magic felt by humans, was sacred. This power is felt by people in a way different - sometimes he inspires incredible joy and intoxicating; sometimes gives a deep serenity, making people feel sour, amazed and feel humble before the presence of mysterious power. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, felt it before wiyon-wofle in every aspect of life.
When people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, began forming their myths and worship to wiyon-wofle, they are not looking for a literal interpretation of natural phenomena, but they know for sure that everything is a phenomenon that occurs because the power of God himself solely and Maybrat , Imian, Sawiat, find and keep a legend. The stories are symbolic and worship Maybrat business people, Imian, Sawiat, to express their admiration and to connect this vast mystery with their own lives. Wiyon-religion story is so wofle contained mirib with religion in all ethnic cultures which also express their Lord role of each in human spirituality. The myths in the next tribal religion became a rite handle written and then perfect that dimoderenkan with passages called holy book and not a mythical story. Maybe it sounds strange, because the Bible says is a book that records the story of myth and legend of the religion, but in our previous pendiskusian said that the modern religions of today's growing tribal religions updated by a human next to a large religion, which is known by many people that is recognized as a famous modern religion.
In the belief Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, first appeared they believe that only through involvement in a holy life (wiyon mber-wofle), they can become truly human. Earthly life is very vulnerable and haunted by the shadow of death, but if they imitate the action of God, then they will have a degree and a certain strength and creativity in their Lord (wiyon-wofle) it. Thus, one might say that wiyon-wofle show Maybrat power to the people, Imian, Sawiat, about how life is a copy of the ethical teaching of life exemplified wiyon-wofle at which they are in baseball k'wiyon as stanza wofle sacred - as expressed in wiyon-wofle theology, is not just an idealism that led them to that direction, but the prototype of the existence of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat; was an original pattern or archetype that became the model Maybrat lives, Imian, Sawiat. Thus, for Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, assume that everything that exists on earth is viewed as a replica of everything in this divine world into the shape perceptions of their theology. Organizational rituals (wiyon mber-wofle) and social and cultural antiques which constantly echoes the traditional life in their current era According to God, is still a religious doctrine, whether it wiyon-wofle religion, Christianity, or Islam, and even religion other tribes. It is true that a belief in a particular God, we must imitate what is done by God that we believe that this is an important religious teachings, such as Christians have to love our neighbor or resting on the Sabbath, or for the Muslims, prayers on Friday - the acts that meaningful in God's own self - is now clearly adhered significantly and sacred because people believe that such actions ever undertaken by the Lord that they trust each other.
Spirituality and belief Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the wiyon-wofle (God) they are. Tersabotase and there has been a takeover of their territory by the influence of faith stronger than belief in God is ingrained in the Jewish Christian religion is now shifting wiyon-wofle to focus people away from Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Christianity has influenced the theology wiyon-existing wofle past and has a lot of promising things to people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Dibelahan theism as the other world, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, attribute their cultural achievements to wiyon-wofle (God) of their traditional lifestyle has been revealed to them and also to the fathers of Maybrat community mitikal, Imian, Sawiat. Thus Maybrat, Faith, Sawiat, as a picture of heaven. Linkage with this sacred nature is celebrated in the religious ceremonies of them. Thus, also in symbolic acts committed by people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, has a sacramental value; it makes people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, able to submerge themselves into the sacred power or lost in wiyon-wofle dogmatics is the basis the dependence of their great civilization. Culture is perceived as a lasting achievement. This story is not factual events of the physical origins of life Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, merely, but a symbolic effort that all caution to reveal a great mystery and release the power of sacred. Symbol wiyon-wofle theology is something suitable for describing personal wiyon-wofle (God) is. A glimpse of theology wiyon-wofle give an insight into the spirituality that gave birth to the concept of wiyon-wofle (God).
Another sense it is said that, the story of a modern religion, originated from tribal religions themselves, a theme as we shall see later - become so important in mysticism or wiyon-wofle theology embraced by people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, Papua.
We will see that in many cases, both the Israelis and the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, has a religious perspective mirib with other neighbors in the world who always defended by their respective adherents as a secret faith, but their stories did show that there is a attach a separate entity within their Lord each with a different name to the Lord each. But in the eighth century, the people of Israel began to develop a vision of the religion of their tribe, so famous characteristic. Many of Israel evangelist who spread throughout the Jerusalem area to other countries in the world. If at that time wiyon-wofle religion of the tribe Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, Papua, religion developed as tribes of Israel, the religious mungkinsaja of wiyon-wofle tribe Maybrat, Imian, Papua Sawiat it as a modern religion and has followers dibelahan world.
In the trust of Israel, the record of their history and legends of their Lord, as history tells of the creation of a world that will parallel with the mythology of the tribe Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua.
When the Lord [YHWH] God made the earth and sky, yet there is nothing on earth bush, yet there are any plants in the desert for the Lord God not to rain on the earth and no people to cultivate the land, but there was mist rising up from earth and wet the entire surface of the earth when the Lord God formed man (Adam) from dust of the ground (adảmah) and breathed life into the nose; and man became a living being.
This is truly a new starting point. Rather than concentrating on the creator of the world and in the prehistoric period in which the pagan contemporaries in Mesapotamia and Canaan, this is an extraordinary historical. In the sixth century BC, when the author wrote this great story in what is now the first chapter book events. Absolutely there is a perception that striking about the real differences between humans and God's understanding of God by putting a figure seagai Esa. Human beings are composed of matter instead of the same holy God, so in the history of the creation of Israel that motologi man (Adam) as a play on words, humans are part of the land (adảmah) identical with a dirty, while God is holy. Perhaps because humans are the land and God is not of that in the odyssey tanag life between man and God has a distance, a fundamental reason for the gap, because the world is the land and transitory, while the kingdom of God is the glory and eternal.
But who is Yahweh? Was Abraham the same God worshiped by Moses, or whether he knew the different names? This is an important issue for us right now, but the story of the author of the book of Genesis, says that humans have worshiped Yahweh since the days of Adam, but it seems another author of the book menyiaratkan that the Israelis have never heard of Yahweh that he appeared to Moses in bush. This book the author goes on to explain that he actually is the same God with the God of Abraham. As if this is a rather kontrafersial statement. He told Moses that Abraham was called "El Shaddai" and did not know the sacred name "Yahweh". The gap did not seem to worry about the biblical authors and editors. Revelation Mungkinsaja in writing from the author of the event will forever call Lord "Yahweh"; because at the time he wrote it, Yahweh was the God of Israel, and that's the truth. God's name Canaan highest recorded in the names of the Hebrew language, such as Isra-El or Ishma-El.
adam »as a first man created God.
adảmah »Arabic term that means the Land, the name Adam means" earth "is therefore called the first man with the name" Adam "because he comes from the ground.
In the religious history of Israel, the Lord has some title names, such as Yahweh, El of Bethel, El Shaddai (El. Pegungungan) El Eliyon (God the Most High). It's the same happened in the history of religion in wiyon-wofle people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, West Papua. The existence of God as they like Oron, KOMEYAN, WIYON-WOFLE.
We shall see that the people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, find a name or "sanctity" wiyon-wofle, as a thrilling experience. In comparison, the traditional God Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, speaking to Mbouk, as a prophet; the high priest religion wofle with wiyon-talk directly talk to God they (wiyon-wofle). Iliad is full of such epiphany similar to the Iliad, Iliad in Israel.
Epiphany »Lord who comes - show up as a friend.
Iliad »people who experienced epiphany
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