Know Maybrat cultural history, Imian Sawiat Prehistory
Hamah Sagrim
Freelance researchers and young scientists
Prehistoric cultures which are classified according to material tools can be divided into two parts, namely the stone age and the age of metal. Metal era does not mean the end of the stone age, because at the time of any metal tools of stone continues to grow even today. Truly a metal era is to declare that the era of tools and metal has been known predominantly used. Age is also a metal perundagian age. In Indonesia in particular and Southeast Asia generally do not have the time but directly into the copper bronze and iron age. Skill to use new materials, of course, accompanied by new ways of working. Appears so that skilled people (undagi). In addition the development of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat that leads to the natural progress in various aspects of their lives. For people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, tools of the metal is not only used for everyday purposes, but the tools are made from logampun involved in certain rituals such as death hdan, etc. wiyon mber. For that we need any further discussion about the perundagian particularly in the area Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat clearly.
People Maybrat, Imian, pembabakan age Sawiat and metal
At the time of those metals are able to make the tools of the metal in addition to the tools of stone. Metals can not be beaten or popped like a stone that can be formed in accordance with what was expected, but that metal can not be easily obtained as there is lots of rocks in various places. Of the widespread knowledge that people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, known metallic materials and known techniques of metal melted, print them into the tools that suit dihendaki. Metal tool-making techniques there are two kinds, namely the rock mold, called a bivalve and mold clay and wax called a cire Perdue. This period is also called the period since perundagian groups in society arise undagi skilled hands do the work. Metal Age is divided into three age include:
1. Copper Age
People using copper as a cultural tool. Cultural tool is only known in some parts of the world alone. Southeast Asia (including Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, Papua, Indonesia) is not known term copper era.
2. Bronze Age
At this age people are able to mix copper with tin in the ratio 3: 10 so that the obtained metal harder. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, perhaps until now not been able to process them.
3. Iron Age
At this age people are able to dissolve iron from the seeds to be poured into the tools needed. Iron smelting technique is more difficult than the technique of bronze smelting copper and iron required for hot melt very high, namely ± 3500 ° C. Age metal wilah Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, Papua, Indonesia is dominated by the tools of the bronze age metal that is also called the Bronze Age. Iron tools found in the days of small amounts of metal and shaped like a bronze tools, because most of the iron tools, found in historical times. Between age and the age neolithicum metal megalithicum culture has evolved, the culture media using large stones as tools, even culture megalithicum peak precisely at the time of the metal.
Maybrat community life style, Imian, Sawiat at age perundagian
Culture and society is a unity that can not be separated. Society can survive by producing culture, because culture was produced by society. And through all shades of life kebudayaanlah knowable community. Bronze culture of Southeast Asia can be called Dong Son culture, according to a first place in the investigation of Tonkin. There is found all kinds of instruments of bronze and nekara, the tools of iron and the graves of the time.
A. Belief systems of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat.
Prehistoric belief systems of people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, estimated to begin to grow in the hunting and gathering food advanced or referred to the living and farming that occurred in the time Mesolithikum. Regarding the evidence of those beliefs Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, at age Mesolithikum and some other evidence that helped to strengthen the color of their belief in prehistoric times was the discovery of footprints on the river nekara in wemayis kampong Sauf, kbupaten Maybrat. Used illustrates step foot journey that will bring one's spirit to the afterlife. This means that at the time of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, already believing the existence of spirits. Confidence in the spirit continues to grow at this prehistoric looking of the complexity of the forms of memorial service, funeral tributes and gifts or offerings. This belief in spirits known as Aninisme. Derived from the word Aninisme Anima means soul or spirit, while ism means understand or trust. In addition to the belief in animism, the belief there is also dynamism. Dynamism is the belief in certain things that are considered to have supernatural powers. Examples of large trees or hills and mountains and rivers that are considered certain to have the strength. Thus Maybrat public trust, Imian, Sawiat, is prehistoric animism and dynamism
Community people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, at first.
At the time of hunting and gathering food, people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, live in groups in small quantities. But relations between the group already tight because they must together face the harsh natural conditions and heavy, so that the social system that emerged at that time very simple. But at the time of farming, community life has settled more experience and it is this development that encourages people to establish regularity of life. And the rules of life can be implemented properly because of a leader they choose on the basis of consensus. Leader election certainly can not be selected by random, someone who is chosen as a leader is someone who has the ability to make contact with spirits or ancestral spirits for the safety of local villagers, and the skills more. Then the system continues to experience development community especially during perundagian. Because at this time is more complex society. Society is divided into groups according to their specific expertise. Each group has their own rules, and in addition to the general rule that ensures harmonious relationships within each group. General rule is made on the basis of agreement or consensus in democratic life. Thus social systems in prehistoric times in Indonesia has been based on the consultation and mutual cooperation.
Agricultural patterns of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, at first.
Agricultural system, known by the people Maybrat, Imian, plane, initially prehistoric farming, which relies only on the topsoil, so that agriculture forms the move was his form in accordance with the level of soil fertility. When they assess the land was no longer fertile or no topsoil, then they would move or find a place that is considered fertile or can cultivate crops. Then they began to develop a system to find and store food (food and carering), so they no longer move around quickly, and trying to overcome the pattern of food well. This system is known by people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, during prehistoric neolithikum, because at the time of their lives are settled and organized. Perundagian During the development of agricultural systems have given the specialization or division of tasks between men and women, so people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, saman prehistoric more adept in brotherhood.
Socio-Economic Maybrat people, Imian, Sawiat.
The development of socio-economic conditions of people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, Prehistoric period actually began to look at the hunting and gathering food or advanced age Mesolitik. At this time the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat began to realize the importance of living life patterns in a given place. This is due to the progress and development of knowledge Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, at that time in trying to process the natural environment for subsistence living. In this later settled life forms raises a very simple house as a residence, place of refuge against the climate and weather, and the beast disorders. Based on our penelirian of the first housing people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, can be expected that the initial level of the house is very small, long, square-dots kebulat with a roof made of leaves. These houses form an early form of home Maybrat region, Imian Sawiat, and till now still found in areas remote villages in the garden. Starting from the existence of community groups in a particular area, and experienced changes that lead to the communal system. In addition, manufacturing technology is also more advanced tools. This was proven by starting the discovery of stone tools that are finely honed, that is known to pick a square. Progress on further aspects of this technology will bring up a certain social stratification in a Komuniti, such groups appear clever in making picks square, ranging from making the basic shape (Plank) until a square pick-ready. Furthermore it is also known tastangan technology As with the needs of one of the means of daily life are very important. In sinipun will bring certain groups who have skill in making tastangan. Another development is fundamental in this period is to start a simple familiar farming, with Beat-Burn System. During this perundagian village life pattern develops and the greater, this is due to begin merging of the villages, or the occurrence of a large village. The emergence of large villages was one of them caused the higher frequency of inter-village trade in the form of goods exchange (barter) and trade and played a cloth east. Migration through marriage may also lead to increasing population density in a township.
With increasingly wide area of the relationship between trading activity during the growing perundagianpun. The types of goods daganganpun increasingly complex because of these relationships has included a very wide area. This can be evidenced by the findings of bronze objects scattered in almost all areas of Papua, which comes from the Dong Son culture in North Vietnam.
In this ghetto life main livelihood is agriculture that began in a more organized and advanced, with fuel TEBAS system. This is also supported by the more advanced printing technology system equipment from the metal (especially copper) for the purposes of cultivating the garden. Domestication efforts to show progress hewanpun more. This is evidenced by the number of the findings of the bones of animals such as pigs, dogs, and some types of poultry housing. Likely done for animal food supplies, although hunting is still done even with a more reduced amount.
One of the bronze objects that have aesthetic and economic value is very high, and is found in almost all areas of Southeast Asia is nekara. It is the result Nekara Dong Son culture in North Vietnam who later spread to almost all regions of Southeast Asia. This has once again proven the existence of the relationship between the socio-economic areas Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the Ternate sultanate-Tidore with other Southeast Asian region.
Economic activity in the form of trade driven by the findings of transport equipment of water, ie boat bercadik. The forms of trafficking are generally done with a system of exchange of goods with goods. Continuity of trade relations constantly and tend to be more complex eventually led to what is called the scope of the market in a simple sense.
Socio-Cultural Maybrat people, Imian, Sawiat, Prehistoric era.
Carving applied by the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the objects of decorative art and megaliths on bronze objects using geometric patterns as the main decorative pattern. This can be seen from the findings in carving cups (hawereh) in the village Sauf depicting stars, boats and painting elements in life that are considered important.
The carvings on the wood to depict people or animals to produce a stylish shape and shows dynamic motion. There is also a tendency to describe things that are symbolic and abstract-stelistis, as shown in the drawings as a man who carved feathers on the upper circle edged axes, shot drink (hawereh), and bamboo is used as a beverage (tbil) .
Various objects were created for purposes of religius.pola eye necklace worn and in some magical heger function as ballast. What is most striking in the aspect perundagian is the spirit of trust to influence (spirit) of the ancestral journey of human life and society. By the same to all the people who died persajian given respect and complete as possible in order to drive spirits best place tujuanya, namely the spirit world.
Life in society Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, perundagian during show a strong sense of solidarity. This solidarity tertanan role in the heart of each person as an inheritance which has prevailed since the ancestors. Customs and beliefs is a strong binding properties in realizing that. As a result, individual freedom rather limited because of rules which if violated atauran would endanger the public. At this time there kalkus leadership and the worship of something holy man outside who could not compete and are outside the limits of human ability, called wiyon-wofle.
In this society began to clearly starting to show differences in certain groups such as the big man category - weights, regulator ceremonies (wiyon Ra-na wofle) related to trust, farmers, traders and manufacturers of objects of wood (sculptor).
G. Progress Technology
In the field of technology, in addition to trying to create tools for daily use, and then began to make progress with the creation of objects that are not only valuable but worth profane estitika and economically. In tastangan manufacturing technology, for example, was in addition to making for daily necessities, it also began to do the tastangan artistic and economic value. This can be seen that in addition to making things a cup, shot glass, also began to be made tastangan forms with various decorative motifs. The variety of shapes and decorative motifs by Maybrat bowls, Imian, Sawiat, this raises some complex and making other things that really stood out, among other complex handbag (yu kom), complex handbags (yu kom).
In the manufacturing technology of metal objects (especially bronze) and also experienced a very rapid development. In addition to making tools for everyday needs (eg ax, funnel, hoe and so on) began to be developed also making objects that have aesthetic and economic value, for example nekara, bracelets, rings, pendant necklaces, and so on. These objects turned out to be one commodity in trade relations between Indonesia and other Southeast Asian region.
A. Tool Making skills
In this perundagian period, rapidly growing technology. On the other hand, there is increased business perdaganganyang progress. Shipping technology also determine the development of technology in general. This also affects the social system which have classified the segments in the socio-economic because the patterns have been formed.
In this period was the beginning of progress, because in this era has begun perundagian Knowing consolidation techniques, mixing, forging and molding the kinds of metals such as copper, bronze and iron.
In Southeast Asia has become a popular metal kia about 3000-2000 BC In Indonesia the use of metal is known at the time of several centuries BC, it is based on archaeological findings. Indonesia Knowing only tools made of bronze and iron, and gold jewelry has been known.
The use of metal is not comprehensive in Indonesia once, but walked step by step. While the stone hatchet and the hatchet is still in use. Bronze objects found in Indonesia, shows similarities with the findings of Deng Son (Vietnam) estimated the existence of cultural relations.
In the area Maybrat, Imian, there Sawiat types of jewelry in the form of various bracelet, ring, pendant, necklace, etc. made of bronze, shell, bone, stone and glass.
B. Bronze Things
Types of bronze objects known in Indonesia is nekara, axes, vessels, dolls or sculpture, jewelry and weapons. Menarikperhatian is Namaun the nekara. Other objects actually have gained attention since the 19th century, such as ax funnel, ring, eye spears, axes ceremony (Candrasa).
In the era of inquiry also perundagian people have been smart to make and pour a glass. It's just a simple technique is still sometimes still mixed sand.
Bronze ax
In typological bronze axes can be divided into two groups, namely ax ax funnel and ceremony. Ax ax shaft also called a shoe, meaning ax topped the sembirnya funnel-shaped sides, while in the funnel is inserted wooden shaft angle to the field ax. So as if the ax equated with shoes and feet likened to stalk people.
Van Heekeren classify a funnel axes, ceremonial axes and inverse spade (trowel). Soejono divided into eight bronze axes, namely:
1. Type I (common type). Broad shape with a long oval, the top line (pangka), the stems sharply concave and convex parts.
2. Type II (type birds seriti). Stem form with a cutting edge as seriti birds, sharp edge convex, there are parts of the deep end and there are shallow.
3. Type III (type chisel). Narrows and forms a straight rod is short and wide. Sharp convex shapes and straight, the largest axes measuring 12.2 x 5.8 x 1.7 cm and the smallest 3.6 x 5.4 x 1.3 cm.
4. Type IV (spade type). Form of short stalks, flattened axes eyes, the red shoulder circumstances straight sides. Largest size 9.6 x 15.7 x 2 cm and the smallest 13.4 x 6.5 cm.
5. Type IV (spade type). Form of short stalks, flattened axes eyes, the red shoulder circumstances straight sides. Largest size 9.6 x 15.7 x 2 cm and the smallest 6.5 x 13.4 x 1.6 cm.
6. Type V (crescent type). Eye crescent-shaped ax. The center of the wide and narrow, the stem width and the sharp narrowing. Largest type of measuring 15.6 x 16.5 x 3.4 cm and the smallest 5.2 x 7.2 x 4.5 cm.
7. Type VI (heart type). Form a long rod with a concave base, the shoulders rounded. Largest size 16.2 x 39.7 x 1.5 cm and the smallest 13 x 7.2 x 0.6 cm.
8. Type VII (Candrasa). Short stem and wide at the base, thin, hatchet eye with both ends open. This very large ax and largest flat 133.7 cm and the smallest 37 cm.
9. Type VIII (ax type of bread). Flat overall size of 90 cm. base of the stem disc. This disc is decorated with a pattern wheel or vortex (whirl).
Ax shaft found in South Sumatra, Java, Bali, Central Sulawesi and South Islands and in Papua Selayar near Lake Sentani. Not all axes are used as axes. Small example may be as Portugal, while the beautiful and Candrasa used as a status symbol and ritual instruments alone. At Bandung in molds from soil baker funnel to pour the ax.
People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, usually to make jewelry which are made in the form of bracelets, rings, necklaces and other ornaments. Bracelet decorated with generally large and thick. Decorative patterns on the form of bracelets Tumpal pattern, line the staircase, eyes of birds and fish spines.
Iron Things in the region Maybrat, Imian, Palm
The types of iron objects can be classified as a tool of daily use and weapons. Metal objects that are found in the region Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in the form:
· Eyes ax or hatchet kind of tied crosswise on a wooden shaft
· Long-edged tool and flat and may be used to close up the threads woven banang
· Blade
· Parang
· Eyes spears
During cultivation, the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat already residing permanently and groups. Various attempts were made by them to get to perfection, for example adalam agriculture, animal husbandry, manufacturing equipment and needs of others.
Barupun things it has been found among the tools of iron ore. In line with the progress achieved, so that the level of living and governance-structure of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, becomes more complex. People Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, began life on a regular basis, so that they appear undagi groups (groups of people skilled).
At the time of this perundagian-kemajuaan much progress in various areas of their lives such as trust, social, economic and so forth. So note that since this period was the point contact with areas in Southeast Asia. This is strengthened by the discovery of objects found in Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat with objects that are the other South-East Asia such as Vietnam.
Prehistoric NUCLEAR WAR?
Ever hear the name of the epic Ramayana and the Mahabharata? two famous epics of ancient India. Epic of Mahabharata tells the great conflict of the descendants of Pandu and the fighting over the throne Dritarasta Kingdom. Epic was written in 1500 BC and according to estimates tsb war erupted around 5000 years ago. Much speculation emerged from these events, among them there is a new speculation dare to mention that the Mahabharata war is a kind of war NUCLEAR!! But, this really happened exactly? Could it be long before the modern era as the time we have an advanced civilization that has mastered nuclear technology? The period before 4000 BC is considered as the pre history and civilization of the Sumerians considered the oldest civilization on earth. There would have been many discussions, theories and research about the possibility that the world has reached an advanced civilization before the year 4000 BC. The theory of Atlantis, Lemuria, now further enhanced with written proof of such conversations about the dialogues of Plato and Solon the ancient Egyptian priests of Atlantis, the ancient texts of Hinduism, Ramayana & Rama Bharatayudha of ancient dynasties and archeological evidence of civilization Monhenjo-Daroo, Easter Island and the Pyramid of Egypt and South America.
human possibility never entered the nuclear age more than 6000 years ago. Civilization of Atlantis in the west and the dynasty of Rama in the East is expected to grow and experience the golden age of between 30,000 BC to 15,000 BC. Atlantis has a region ranging from Mediterranean to the Andes across the Ocean of Atlantis, while the ruling dynasty of Rama in the northern part of India-Pakistan-Tibet to Central Asia. Remains of the Indus inscriptions, Mohenjo Daroo and Easter Island (South Pacific) has yet to be translated and experts predict the coming of civilization was much older than the oldest civilizations that had been believed to humans (4000 BC). Some Wedha and Jain manuscripts which include the Ramayana and the Mahabharata it contains evidence of historical and technological description of Rama's dynasty which is believed to have experienced the golden age of seven major cities 'Seven Rishi City' is the only culprit Mohenjo Daroo (Northern Pakistan). In an excerpt of the story is told that the Epic Mahabharata Arjuna sat bravely in Weimana (an airplane-like object) and landed in the middle of the water, and then launched Gendewa, a similar kind of missile weapons / rockets that can lead to both release the intense flames in over enemy territory, then in an instant the earth was shaking, thick smoke rising above the horizon, in that instant the force generated by the explosion and immediately destroy all consuming whatever is there. What makes people not believe it, whether such weapons actually released Arjuna with his Weimana it? From the results of research and research conducted ditepian Ganges river in India, the archaeologists found lots of remains of the debris that had been sunk in the rock upstream sungai.Batu big on these ruins are attached together, protruding and concave surfaces uneven. If you want to melt the rocks, the lowest temperature required 1800 C. Ordinary coals are not able to achieve this temperature, only on new nuclear explosion could reach such temperatures. In the primitive forests in rural India, people also found more charred ruins of the stone. City wall collapsed crystallized, smooth as glass, the outer layer of furniture made of rocks in the building has also dikacalisasi. Besides in India, ancient Babylon, the Sahara desert and Gobi in Mongolia, teachers have also been found in the ruins of a prehistoric nuclear war. Glass stone in the ruins everything exactly the same as glass stones in the area of nuclear testing at the moment.
From various sources that I have learned, can generally be described as a variety of theories and research on this subject provides some interesting study materials. Include: Atlantis and Rama dynasty never experienced the golden age (Golden Age) at the same time (30000-15000 BC). Both have mastered nuclear technology. Both have aerospace and aeronautics technology advanced to have aircraft capable of and shaped like a UFO (by some accounts) that is called Vimana (Rama) and Valakri (Atlantis). Atlantis has a population of aggressiveness and led by the priests (Enlighten Priests), according to Plato's texts. Dynasty Rama has seven major cities (Seven Rishi's City) with a capital of Ayodhya where one of the city is successful in Mohenjo-Daroo. Competition from both civilization reached its peak with the use of nuclear weapons. The experts found that the debris and the remains of human skeletons found in Mohenjo-Daroo containing radioactive residue that can only be produced through large-scale explosion Thermonuklir. In a seloka of the Mahabharata, told in allegory a weapon of mass destruction is a result very similar to the present nuclear weapons. Some Wedha Seloka in the book and Jain explicitly and fully describe the shape of the 'flying vehicle' called 'Vimana' which features a flying saucer-like today. Most of the written evidence it was in India in the form of literary texts, while the physical evidence it was in the western hemisphere Pyramid in Egypt and South America. In short all the above investigation to claim that mankind has advanced in civilization of Atlantis and Rama. Even long before humans ever entered 4000SM space age and nuclear technology.
However, the golden age is over due to the tremendous nuclear war to the period after that, people got back to primitive times until the emergence of Sumerian civilization around 4000 BC or 6000 years ago. 1972 years ago, there was an extraordinary discovery that might have reinforced the notion that true civilization has experienced the past era is the discovery of mines Nuclear Reactor Nuclear two-billion-year-old at Oklo, Republic of Gabon
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