Sagrim Hamah
Wiyon-wofle theology claims that wiyon-wofle (God) that they are pious know everything. Then we will To paralels with the Christian gospel theology, as the phrase in the book of evangelical college that God knows everything, then among all kinds of truths known by God is a priori truths are pleased with the faith and logic. This expression covers the knowledge we already know and which we know nothing at all that God has the power knowledge (omniscience) and he must know everything there is to the roots.
No surprised if natural theology tribes Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat (wiyon-wofle) and Christian theology does not say anything about their divine knowledge about the truth that is not a priori. Wiyon-wofle theology says that; truths are eternal and comes from wiyon-wofle (God) that they are pious and completely dependent upon them as God's creations others in Christian theology. Thus it is said that those truths independent of God (wiyon-wofle), and tantamount to saying that wiyon-wofle like Jupiter or Saturn is and regard it as Styx and fates. Perhaps this is very significant for the Christian, and other religions, perhaps each olehkarena nationalities that do not have hesitated to say the Lord wherever they were, that the God who set the laws of nature as a king lays down the law for his kingdom. No nothing that we do not know if our minds watching those laws. But in this case, if all things were created by humans, so the Lord was able to change it, but contrary to humans is not possible to change a creation when God created it is.
In the words wiyon-wofle theology, as if there was "a depiction of wiyon-wofle nature (God) is almost universal, as the nature of the Christian gospel of God". Because the concept wiyon-wofle theology and theology of Christian gospel says so, they concluded that the essence of wiyon-wofle and evangelicals have the same God that brought nature essence and perfection in something else and more than that, then wiyon-evangelical wofle and God is the God who mengetahuai all things in his own essence with the right knowledge kemaha about every thing.
Traditional Theologians wiyon-wofle, (Raa Na wiyon-wofle), they agree that reason and the will wiyon-wofle is something eternal and immortal, so when paralleled with God's gospel, including the mind and essence than God himself. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle mangatakan it as something intact and has power. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle understand that this doctrine implies that any known by wiyon-wofle (God) means he mengkehendakinya; this doctrine did not prevent the theologians wiyon-wofle to make distinctions between various types of knowledge and types will wiyon-wofle (Lord ). For example, Ra-Na wiyon distinguish between wofle has wiyon-wofle knowledge (of God) about the essence (which includes all things actual and possible) and wiyon-wofle consciousness (God) will be reality or scientia Visionis (notice what topical). Theology wiyon-wofle also distinguish two kinds of wills wiyon-wofle; the will to let or will as a result (which wiyon-wofle "God" wants whatever happens, whatever happens because it is in senangtiasa and kemaha power that must be prevented by it), and will be good or happiness will as a cause (which was wiyon-wofle want something as valuable in themselves something, like the sacrifice of a believer). Had the same thing can happen with all the knowledge and the will wiyon-wofle (God), then the distinction made by wiyon-wofle theology has in common with that done in Christian theology.
Thus, the eternal truths of God and the evangelical wiyon-wofle does not depend on knowledge and intellectual human being or to anything that exists, but only the God who made it out of eternity as a major regulator.
Natural theology of self-interest Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, (wiyonn-wofle), step by step in a fragment of the parts of this amazing knowledge, we can find any of their efforts to provide a priori evidence of empirical generalizations, such as evidence to suggest about the laws of motion wiyon-wofle eternity and God's gospel.
Let us look at the books of evangelical. A Psalm writer says that, God has the power to omniscience as written in the Bible, which describes the existence of God metaphorically drawn from power. For example, the eyes to see, ears to hear, so when you say pretty much the eyes of God or God's ears, it means the power to see and hear, although that vision and hearing are not kemaha power and sensory or sensory activities.
Most closely in the provision of sensory predicates to God. Wiyon-Na Ra wofle saying that if esse is Percipi, then the objects that are not understood by the forces would remain limited in its existence by understanding the ultimate reality to it. Thus, wiyon-Na Ra wofle said that in wiyon-wofle mind, must have contained ideas about everything that can be understood by people who exploited the wiyon-wofle (wiyon-Na Ra wofle) and vice versa can not be understood by a layman or mortal (Raa Na iin-iin). The existence of such ultimate reality is not denied, because He is perfect and he could feel like our imperfections. That God (wiyon-wofle) know or understand what pain is, even on all types of pain and he understood and helped to feel pain from his creation who is ill. It is thus that God is omniscient, does not matter, he would called wiyon-wofle, YHWH, or Afatar, but he is still God and about kemaha knowledge, it is a perfection, because God (wiyon-wofle) is omniscient and He have a perfect idea and the One, but his ideas did not appear in him through devices such as the human senses.
Thoughts and concepts wiyon-wofle (God) according wiyon-Na Ra wofle of consistency concerning the Lordship of the senses, and indeed it is their epistemology based on which states that; all human ideas already in mind wiyon-wofle (God). Because of the ideas, people find the ideas of heat and cold, sweet and sour, then the ideas these people are in bagimanapun also wiyon-wofle mind (God). Thought wiyon-Na Ra wofle so similar to that expressed in theological thought kristian. And vice versa if people have different senses with the Lord, the sense of the human senses with the ownership of ideas is not sufficient. If it's like that, then the view-Na Ra wiyon senses wofle of Man and God really adequate.
No matter how small the level of truth-wiyon theological thought wofle people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, be denied that God (wiyon-wofle) has eyes, ears and a noble sense experience. Thus, they are very confident that wiyon-wofle can know intellectually that the truths of the human senses to know through the device. By seeing that the fire was red, with a feeling I was hot finds; to taste it I knew it was coarse sugar. According wiyon-Na Ra wofle, all the truth about the things that this particular wiyon-known wofle (God) with the device or devices inderawiNya unity.
I think that to have empirical knowledge, does not necessarily need a sense experience. Knowing something is scientific truth does not require memferifikasinya or test yourself. Just remember that knowledge has proven diferifikasi or that it was enough. It is clear that most of our knowledge about the scientific facts about our acceptance of scientific theories based on the testimony of others. So in principle it is possible for God to know the empirical truth that without He must experience it for yourself. But no one from the tribe of Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, especially wiyon-Na Ra wofle view that God (wiyon-wofle) rely on human testimony to determine the empirical truths are; God could not have opened ensi - clopedia or wait for the next meeting from scientists to study what was found. God really knows the truth-the truth, both natural and unnatural and empirical facts related to the experience. He knows these truths to know his own will. More precisely; He knows hypotheses which are possible by knowing his own essence and his rule; God knows where the hypotheses that by knowing the actual hypothesis will treated.
From the traditional concept of people thinking theologians Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, it, it can be concluded that "any thing that can be produced or applied, or said by any creature and is also produced by the Lord, all known by God (wiyon-wofle), even if it does not really exist, in this case can be said that God (wiyon-wofle) have knowledge even about things that do not exist and the things that exist ".
In this practical knowledge, can we draw conclusions between God Maybrat traditional tribes, Imian, Sawiat, wiyon-wofle and Lord evangelical that; this practical knowledge, can dikatakana that God knows everything that the power of omniscience, this is a conviction of Christian faith and faith wiyon-wofle. Therefore, it can be said that everything is as it is, because God has the will power plus the knowledge that something like is; on the other hand, it is also true delight with speculative knowledge of the power of God in which God knows that everything is, and it is His will.
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