Hamah Sagrim
Hamah Sagrim
A. Understanding word Wiyon-Wofle
The term the words used in wiyon-wofle theology, explaining that the word "wiyon-wofle" is "an eternal and everlasting covenant between wiyon-Na Ra wofle with Wiyon-Wofle (God) which is established in k'wiyon-bol wofle".
The word "wiyon" comes from the Maybrat which means "God" and "Wofle" comes from the Imian and Sawiat, which also means "God". From the word "wiyon" its meaning can be detailed into three meanings of words with different meanings but have a core understanding of the sacred, as follows:
From the above description of the meaning of the word, it was found that the meaning of the word wofle or wiyon-wiyon-wofle mber is "an eternal covenant between wiyon-Na Ra wofle with wiyon-knit wofle in k'wiyon-bol wofle (camp) to do something cult ".
Activity wiyon-wofle theology which people gather Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in the amount of more than three people and a lot of so-called "church - the trial" or in Maybrat, "Raa Na wiyon-wofle - wiyon mber". Church and hearing the term, derived from the Greek "Eklesia" which means the association. But Eklesia not have any meaning in terms of sacred such wiyon-wofle or religious terms (Religion), the Society Eklesia ordinary meaning and not the cult associations. Eklesia term seems to have the same background understanding to the term-wofle mber wiyon which is an activity which means "the initiation of Education - together", then these terms then we associate with problem-wofle mber wiyon tribes within Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Meaning Maybrat tribe, Imian, Sawiat, gathered to hear the discipline "watum" or "Word-bo Tgif" and interact with wiyon-wofle - God in k'wiyon-bol wofle - Tabernacle. Therefore, in-wiyon mber wofle or associations wiyon-Na Ra wofle, we can use the word "Eklesia wiyon-wofle", and we can call it "wiyon-Na Ra wofle" who gathered and united in k'wiyon-bol wofle that the muster by wiyon-wofle and dipersatukannya also.
Questions wiyon-Na Ra wofle "Can God be defined?" Should be answered positively that all things in this world can be given a definition. Similarly to the wiyon-wofle (God). Even the definition of God, as given to the Lord that many evangelical provided by the Christian theologians. The meaning of the definition of God, as an expression of faith to believe every human being in their belief in Him.
Faith believes traditional or immanent is a broad meaning, and is a budi'pikiran use and confidence to make a determination for the human spirit. These include a clear disclosure of expectations about the faith to believe the human determination of God, as people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, such as their faith to wiyon-wofle (God). But the persistence of faith to believe Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, also accepted the Lord as a figure of the Christian gospel is believed; list this faith can be extended. Because faith in God is an abstract look in any ecclesial activity, both the churches and Christian evangelical churches natural. In carrying out worship, Christian theology requires a space or building a church as a formal place of worship for Christians throughout the world. In wiyon-wofle theology also requires the existence of a temple (or church k'wiyon-bol wofle) which stands as a place or worship and teaching space wiyon-Na Ra wofle (wiyon-mber wofle).
Worship or worship activities are carried out every human being is an activity that exploring and creating new spiritual growth in teaching how to listen to the word of God and is a new way of knowledge beyond the mind is the symbolism presented to the Lord who is believed to be a unanimity of faith which reflects the persistence of faith.
Assertiveness wiyon-Na Ra wofle in wiyon-wofle theology 'here referred to as the traditional beliefs of their Lord (wiyon-wofle) the all-holy and mighty power. Wiyon-wofle as theologians say wiyon-wofle - wiyon-Na Ra wofle - is a God who can not be limited, he has wide coverage without the limitations of space and wofle able wiyon-incarnated and possessed the human mind to the specific parts . Ferifikasi in faith is not easy to just eareserkan by any particular circles, for some reason that the traditional God or God is a God that modern absolutely no human together, and the God of traditional and modern perceptions are equally maintained as The sacred college by their respective adherents. They grow and grow with each ethnic group in their area each without experiencing any shortages, he as God is intact, and the first he knew every race and ethnicity on earth have known Him before the name of God from other languages into their territory. An entity that it appears that the traditional God be able to trust and always maintained by each tribe, although the way they use to know God not through a note written scripture, but God had visited them on their territory, and God has visited all the tribes nation in the world by leaving short messages and holy through His chosen people through the writings of even the next object as a handle and dogmatic theology.
Wiyon-wofle theology is a theology that its application concerning the activities of traditional ecclesiastical Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, which explored every believer, and then create a new reality of faith in the steadfastness of their faith that might exceed the reasonable and presented in a sheer symbolism of faith reflects their belief in God (wiyon-wofle).
Wiyon theology-teaching wofle a person known by Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as a manifesto of power than wiyon-wofle (God) which is not a theology that is considered a simple or easy or uncomplicated, but wiyon-wofle theology is a activities involving human and divine and human elements to sink into the groove and the teaching of theology wiyon-wofle it. Activity Maybrat ethnic faith, Imian, Sawiat, this indicates that the theologians wiyon-consciously wofle with intermediaries of the high priests and taught them about the guided-dogmatic dogmatics in theology attached wofle about wiyon-wiyon-wofle (God) whom they worship . Maybe faith believe Maybrat tribes, Imian, Sawiat, provides a significant expectation of road safety in traveling through their beliefs. This time is an expression of faith reason to believe people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the wiyon-wofle which may give eternal hope so independent and stands alone. Similar ideas will be recognized by Christians about their faith in God evangelical. Is a notion of Christian faith is touching.
Faith believe is a resolution that is relatively separate and intertwined itself, which is produced by the determination and submission of required follow these injunctions against a single God. This is a unanimous terkafer faith in that belief. Faith is composed of the hope of God that is worshiped. About faith for people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, that faith has existed since their faith and wiyon-wofle title mungkinsaja articulates a different word of faith, but have something in common. Logically, this faith has a similar meaning with one's beliefs and faith will be more seriously because he truly believed in God.
For Maybrat tribe, Imian, oil this, they believe in faith to Him who all-power, already existing and the development of faith to believe they do with the relationship between wiyon-wofle. Since everything in the faith, is expressive of trust and pengimanan will of God. Thus it can be said that faith is a final answer of the believer. Such as those Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in their expressions that they believe wiyon-wofle, meaning it can be concluded that the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, are those who believe or those who already have faith.
In our opinion, that the faith everyone has a tremendous power and it needs to be appreciated. This form is not an objective cirri but faith is something that involves the heart, soul, body and spirit, man, Continuously in expressing his faith. An example, misalnyasaja an ancient theism asked the question "whether you believe in God?" He could have answered "Yes, I believe", and the answer does not necessarily lead to the Lord God in the evangelical or any other modern religion, but perhaps the answer to the traditional God. Because the name of God not only used exclusively by one particular religion, but he is known and trusted and was mentioned by the various existing religions, both modern religious and even tribal religion, because it is believed that they regarded as God.
Activity wiyon-wofle theology which people gather Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in the amount of more than three people and a lot of so-called "church - the trial" or in Maybrat, "Raa Na wiyon-wofle - wiyon mber". Church and hearing the term, derived from the Greek "Eklesia" which means the association. But Eklesia not have any meaning in terms of sacred such wiyon-wofle or religious terms (Religion), the Society Eklesia ordinary meaning and not the cult associations. Eklesia term seems to have the same background understanding to the term-wofle mber wiyon which is an activity which means "the initiation of Education - together", then these terms then we associate with problem-wofle mber wiyon tribes within Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat. Meaning Maybrat tribe, Imian, Sawiat, gathered to hear the discipline "watum" or "Word-bo Tgif" and interact with wiyon-wofle - God in k'wiyon-bol wofle - Tabernacle. Therefore, in-wiyon mber wofle or associations wiyon-Na Ra wofle, we can use the word "Eklesia wiyon-wofle", and we can call it "wiyon-Na Ra wofle" who gathered and united in k'wiyon-bol wofle that the muster by wiyon-wofle and dipersatukannya also.
Questions wiyon-Na Ra wofle "Can God be defined?" Should be answered positively that all things in this world can be given a definition. Similarly to the wiyon-wofle (God). Even the definition of God, as given to the Lord that many evangelical provided by the Christian theologians. The meaning of the definition of God, as an expression of faith to believe every human being in their belief in Him.
Faith believes traditional or immanent is a broad meaning, and is a budi'pikiran use and confidence to make a determination for the human spirit. These include a clear disclosure of expectations about the faith to believe the human determination of God, as people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, such as their faith to wiyon-wofle (God). But the persistence of faith to believe Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, also accepted the Lord as a figure of the Christian gospel is believed; list this faith can be extended. Because faith in God is an abstract look in any ecclesial activity, both the churches and Christian evangelical churches natural. In carrying out worship, Christian theology requires a space or building a church as a formal place of worship for Christians throughout the world. In wiyon-wofle theology also requires the existence of a temple (or church k'wiyon-bol wofle) which stands as a place or worship and teaching space wiyon-Na Ra wofle (wiyon-mber wofle).
Worship or worship activities are carried out every human being is an activity that exploring and creating new spiritual growth in teaching how to listen to the word of God and is a new way of knowledge beyond the mind is the symbolism presented to the Lord who is believed to be a unanimity of faith which reflects the persistence of faith.
Assertiveness wiyon-Na Ra wofle in wiyon-wofle theology 'here referred to as the traditional beliefs of their Lord (wiyon-wofle) the all-holy and mighty power. Wiyon-wofle as theologians say wiyon-wofle - wiyon-Na Ra wofle - is a God who can not be limited, he has wide coverage without the limitations of space and wofle able wiyon-incarnated and possessed the human mind to the specific parts . Ferifikasi in faith is not easy to just eareserkan by any particular circles, for some reason that the traditional God or God is a God that modern absolutely no human together, and the God of traditional and modern perceptions are equally maintained as The sacred college by their respective adherents. They grow and grow with each ethnic group in their area each without experiencing any shortages, he as God is intact, and the first he knew every race and ethnicity on earth have known Him before the name of God from other languages into their territory. An entity that it appears that the traditional God be able to trust and always maintained by each tribe, although the way they use to know God not through a note written scripture, but God had visited them on their territory, and God has visited all the tribes nation in the world by leaving short messages and holy through His chosen people through the writings of even the next object as a handle and dogmatic theology.
Wiyon-wofle theology is a theology that its application concerning the activities of traditional ecclesiastical Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, which explored every believer, and then create a new reality of faith in the steadfastness of their faith that might exceed the reasonable and presented in a sheer symbolism of faith reflects their belief in God (wiyon-wofle).
Wiyon theology-teaching wofle a person known by Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, as a manifesto of power than wiyon-wofle (God) which is not a theology that is considered a simple or easy or uncomplicated, but wiyon-wofle theology is a activities involving human and divine and human elements to sink into the groove and the teaching of theology wiyon-wofle it. Activity Maybrat ethnic faith, Imian, Sawiat, this indicates that the theologians wiyon-consciously wofle with intermediaries of the high priests and taught them about the guided-dogmatic dogmatics in theology attached wofle about wiyon-wiyon-wofle (God) whom they worship . Maybe faith believe Maybrat tribes, Imian, Sawiat, provides a significant expectation of road safety in traveling through their beliefs. This time is an expression of faith reason to believe people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, the wiyon-wofle which may give eternal hope so independent and stands alone. Similar ideas will be recognized by Christians about their faith in God evangelical. Is a notion of Christian faith is touching.
Faith believe is a resolution that is relatively separate and intertwined itself, which is produced by the determination and submission of required follow these injunctions against a single God. This is a unanimous terkafer faith in that belief. Faith is composed of the hope of God that is worshiped. About faith for people Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, that faith has existed since their faith and wiyon-wofle title mungkinsaja articulates a different word of faith, but have something in common. Logically, this faith has a similar meaning with one's beliefs and faith will be more seriously because he truly believed in God.
For Maybrat tribe, Imian, oil this, they believe in faith to Him who all-power, already existing and the development of faith to believe they do with the relationship between wiyon-wofle. Since everything in the faith, is expressive of trust and pengimanan will of God. Thus it can be said that faith is a final answer of the believer. Such as those Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, in their expressions that they believe wiyon-wofle, meaning it can be concluded that the Maybrat, Imian, Sawiat, are those who believe or those who already have faith.
In our opinion, that the faith everyone has a tremendous power and it needs to be appreciated. This form is not an objective cirri but faith is something that involves the heart, soul, body and spirit, man, Continuously in expressing his faith. An example, misalnyasaja an ancient theism asked the question "whether you believe in God?" He could have answered "Yes, I believe", and the answer does not necessarily lead to the Lord God in the evangelical or any other modern religion, but perhaps the answer to the traditional God. Because the name of God not only used exclusively by one particular religion, but he is known and trusted and was mentioned by the various existing religions, both modern religious and even tribal religion, because it is believed that they regarded as God.
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